Interface ParameterController

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ParameterController
extends Parameter

ParameterController encapsulates setter methods used when initializing instances of Parameter. This interface does not have any runtime specific dependencies, as it is intended for reuse across different component runtime environments where brokered communication across components may be supported. See the getter methods in Parameter for a detailed description of the attributes which are set by the methods in this interface.

In the WebSphere Portal environment, ParameterController objects may be programmatically created using PropertyBrokerService, followed by invoking the setter methods of this interface, or these objects may be implicitly created by the runtime using information provided in a WSDL file.

See Also:
PropertyBrokerService, Property, Action, Parameter

Method Summary
 void setBindingType(ParameterBindingType value)
          Set where the parameter is bound.
 void setDescription(java.lang.String description, java.util.Locale locale)
          Set a string containing a description of the parameter.
 void setPresentIfNullValue(boolean value)
          Set the flag controlling if null valued parameters are to be treated as being present or absent (i.e if the null value is significant for the purposes of triggering brokered communication).
 void setTitle(java.lang.String title, java.util.Locale locale)
          Set a string containing a short description of the parameter.
Methods inherited from interface
getAction, getBindingType, getDescription, getName, getProperty, getSupportedLocales, getTitle, isPresentIfNullValue

Method Detail


void setBindingType(ParameterBindingType value)
Set where the parameter is bound. If not explicitly set, the default value is ParameterBindingType.REQUEST_PARAMETER. This method is optional.

value - A ParameterBindingType that specifies where the parameter is bound. The defined allowed values are specified by the constants in the Parameter interface.
See Also:


void setTitle(java.lang.String title,
              java.util.Locale locale)
Set a string containing a short description of the parameter.

title - a String containing a short description of the parameter.
locale - the current locale
See Also:


void setDescription(java.lang.String description,
                    java.util.Locale locale)
Set a string containing a description of the parameter.

description - a String containing a description of the parameter.
locale - the current locale
See Also:


void setPresentIfNullValue(boolean value)
Set the flag controlling if null valued parameters are to be treated as being present or absent (i.e if the null value is significant for the purposes of triggering brokered communication). See the javadoc for the isPresentIfNullValue method in the Parameter class for a description of the flag.

value - the value for the presentIfNullValue flag
See Also: