Installing HCL Accelerate on Docker Compose by using offline method

You can find information about installing HCL Accelerate on Docker Compose in the offline method on Linux, macOS, or Windows systems.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Installed Docker Compose. For more information, refer to Docker Compose.
  • Installed MongoDB. See Installing the MongoDB.
  • Verified that your system meets the hardware and software requirements. See System Requirements.
  • Downloaded an online installation file and obtained an access key for HCL Accelerate. See Downloading the installation file.
  • Ran the following command on macOS or Linux systems in the folder that contains installation file: sudo chmod +x
  • Ran a security scan of the downloaded files.

About this task

You can install HCL Accelerate on Docker Compose as an evaluation or trial version in your non-production environment to explore and try out the features.

You must use your access key during installation.


  1. Run the downloaded executable file.
    The following prompt is displayed: Please enter your HCL Accelerate access key
  2. Enter the access key, and then press Enter.
    The license agreement is displayed. You can read the agreement page by page by pressing Enter or view the entire agreement by pressing F.
    Note: You must ensure that you read the complete agreement before you proceed with the installation.
  3. Enter Y to accept the license agreement.
    The following prompt is displayed: Enter your encryption key or leave blank to use the default. Key must be at least 8 characters
  4. Perform any of the following actions to specify the encryption key:
    • Enter an encryption key, if you do not want to use the default key, and then press Enter.
      Note: The encryption key must be at least 8 characters. You must save the encryption key to use for further upgrades.
    • To use the default encryption key, press Enter.
    The following prompt is displayed: Choose the platform
  5. Select Docker Compose (Evaluation only) from the list, and then press Enter.
    The following prompt is displayed: Enter the location where the HCL Accelerate files will be installed
  6. Perform any of the following actions to specify the location for the product files:
    • To install the product files in the default location, press Enter.
    • To install the product files in a different location, enter the location, and then press Enter.
    Note: The files are copied to the specified directory in a subdirectory named product_version_number.
    The following prompt is displayed: Enter the initial password for the admin user
  7. Perform any of the following actions to set the password:
    • To use the default password, press Enter.
    • To use a custom password, enter the password, and then press Enter. You must save the password for later use.
    Note: The initial password for the admin user is encrypted and stored in the folder as: <installation_directory>/.yml.
    The following prompt is displayed: Enter path to the folder containing your "server.crt" and "server.key" files or leave blank to use default
  8. Perform any of the following actions to save the server.crt and server.key certificate files:
    • To save the files in the default folder, press Enter.
    • To save the files in a different location, enter the path to the folder, and then press Enter.
    Note: The self-signed SSL certificate is generated with the duration of two years. You can locate the certificate in the folder as: <installation_directory>/conf/ssl.
    The following prompt is displayed: Please enter the hostname where you will run HCL Accelerate
  9. Perform any of the following actions to specify the host name:
    • To use the default host name, press Enter.
      Note: The default value is localhost.
    • To use a different hostname, enter a host name, and then press Enter.

    The host name must resolve to a name on your DNS server, or in the server's hosts file. On Linux, the file location is etc/hosts; on Windows, the location is C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

    The following prompt is displayed: Enter the desired port where HCL Accelerate will run
  10. Perform any of the following actions to specify the port number for Web UI:
    • Enter the port number for Web UI, and then press Enter.
    • To use the default port number, press Enter.
      Note: The default port number is 443.
    The following prompt is displayed: Do you want to start HCL Accelerate now? now?
  11. Perform any of the following actions to complete the installation:
    • To complete the installation and start the containers in Docker Compose, enter Y. Go to step 12.
    • To complete the installation and start the containers later, enter N. Go to step 12.
      If you want to start the container later, go to directory where you installed the product and enter the following command.
      [installation folder] docker compose up -d
    Note: Secure values stored in a JSON file are automatically added to the your home directory. The directory is hidden and should not be modified or removed. Because the values are located in the your home directory, only you can perform any future upgrades to the product installation. The encryption key encrypts the secure values in the JSON file. If you used the default encryption key when installing the product, future upgrades proceed normally. If a non-default encryption key is provided for the initial installation, then you must also provide that encryption key for future upgrades. The values stored in the hidden directory are accessed by the installer during the upgrades, and changes to the secure values will prevent upgraded instances from accessing existing data.
    The following prompt is displayed: Enter the URL of a remote docker registry to push images, otherwise leave blank

    Installation properties

    Installation properties are stored in the [installation_folder]/docker-compose/.env file. You can edit the properties appropriate for your environment. The env file contains a description for all installation properties, including the following properties:
    The product access key obtained earlier.
    The domain of the URL the users will use to access HCL Accelerate. The value is usually the hostname of the virtual machine where Docker Compose is running.
  12. Perform any of the following actions to specify the registry for uploading the images:
    • To save images in the Local file system (default), press Enter.
    • To load images into the local Docker registry, enter Local Docker Registry. This requires the Docker client on the host where the installation script is running.
    • To load images into the local Docker registry, and then tag the images and push them to a remote Docker registry, enter Local Docker Registry. This requires the Docker client on the host where the installation script is running. The images are loaded on the local host.
  13. Press Enter to exit the installer.
    HCL Accelerate is successfully installed on the host system.

What to do next

You can access the HCL Accelerate Web UI, see Logging in to HCL Accelerate.

If necessary, you can configure your own SSL certificate and place it in the installation folder. See Configuring the SSL certificate.