Managing pipelines

Add applications and jobs to your pipeline, and add or modify stages.

About this task

A pipeline is created when you create a value stream. If, for example, you create a value stream named "My Value Stream," a corresponding "My Value Stream" pipeline is also created. On the Value stream detail page, click Pipeline to display the pipeline associated with the current value stream.

You can add environments at any time and rearrange them as needed. Each application that you add to a pipeline is inserted onto a separate row below the last application. As you add apps and jobs to stages, tasks are added to the associated deployment plan in the order that they appear in the pipeline.

To modify a pipeline, complete the following steps:


  1. Optional: On the Pipeline page, click Add Environment to create an environment, or stage.
    1. In the Add environment window, and in the Environment name field, enter the environment name.
    2. In the Action field, select the check boxes for the required deployment mode from the list of Deploy, Join release, and Schedule deployment.
      If more than one deployment mode is selected, both the default deployment mode play control and drop-down Drop-down will be visible on the environment.

      The deployment mode play controls are as follows:

      • Deploy Deploy
      • Join releaseJoin release
      • Schedule deploymentSchedule deployment
    3. Based on the selected mode, in the SET AS DEFAULT field, select the default deployment mode.
      The deployment mode play control that is visible on the environment is the default.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Move the environment to the required location in the pipeline by hovering the mouse over the right-side of the environment, move cursor and then drag it to the required location in the pipeline.
      You can re-order the environments except for the first stage, Input.
    6. Click stage context menu and select Edit environment to update the deployment mode.
      In the Edit environment screen, select the groups or users who have permission to deploy in the selected environment.
    7. Click stage context menu and select Override inventory to override the application in the deployment environment of pipeline.
      In the Override inventory screen, select the version for the application to override deployment in the selected environment. You can use Override inventory in all environments except Input.
  2. Optional: To map an application environment to the pipeline, complete the following steps:
    1. For the environment where you want to add the application, click Add button Add app.
    2. On the Add apps - Choose the apps window, in the Managed by list, select the required application.
    3. Click Save.
      The application is added to the stage.
    4. To view the deployment template associated with the stage, click stage context menu and select View deployment template.
      The deployment plan detail page is displayed. As you add apps and jobs to the pipeline, associated tasks are inserted into the plan. You can also add tasks directly to the plan.
    5. To modify the mapped environment, click stage context menu and select Edit application environments.
    6. To delete the environment, click stage context menu and select Delete.
  3. Optional: To edit HCL Launch application components already created on the pipeline, click stage context menu on the right side of the application and select Manage components to add and remove components of the application, Edit description to modify the description of the application in the selected pipeline, or Delete application to delete the application in the selected pipeline.
  4. Optional: To add a gate, click Add gate and then define the gate rule.
  5. Optional: Click on the deployment mode play control to open the respective modal window.

    The applications along with the versions deployed or joined releases in the previous environment will be available in the modal window dialogs shown in the figures below. The version to be deployed or joined releases for the selected application can be selected from the drop-down lists shown in the figures below.

    1. If Deploy is selected as the default deployment mode, the Deploy modal window is displayed.
      Figure 1. Deploy modal window
      Deploy modal window
    2. If Join release is selected as the default deployment mode, the Join release modal window is displayed.
      Figure 2. Join release modal window
      Join release modal window
      Select the type of release from the below list to join,
      1. Scheduled release
      2. In progress
      3. Completed

      With the release selected, select the date range to filter the available releases.

      Select the required release Name from the list to join.

      Select the Application and the required Version then click Join to join the release.

      The below screen capture is an example for Scheduled release - R12 in the date range of 06/22/2021 to 07/22/2021 for the version 2.0 of application AppCompA. Join release modal window

    3. If Schedule deployment is selected as the default deployment mode, the Schedule deployment modal window is displayed.
      Figure 3. Schedule deployment modal window
      Join release modal window

    After Join release is scheduled, the join release link appears below the PROD environment including the join release graphic and name. You can click the link to view the deployment plan page.

    Figure 4. Join release link
    Join release modal window

    You can use sort buttons for the alphabetical sorting of pipeline applications in ascending (Application ascending order) and descending order (Application descending order).

What to do next

Run a deployment for a pipeline stage.