Configuring GitHub integrations

Manage your GitHub data.

About this task

This topic describes how to integrate GitHub into a value stream by modifying the value_stream_name.json file.

To define an integration, complete the following steps:


  1. On the Value Stream page, click Download value stream map. The value_stream_name.json is downloaded to the specified location.
  2. Using a text editor, define an integration object in the integrations array, or area, of the value_stream_name.json file.
    The following code example illustrate a typical integration.
              "_id": "accelerate-generated-id",
              "type": "ucv-ext-github",
              "tenant_id": "5ade13625558f2c6688d15ce",
              "name": "my-github-repository",
              "disabled": false,
              "properties": {
                "url": "",
                "name": "my-name",
                "owner": "repo-owner",
                "apiUrl": "",
                "token": "****"
  3. On the Value Stream page, click Replace value stream map, and then select the modified file.
    For more information about creating value stream integrations, see About value stream integrations.


Objects from the integrated GiHub instance appear in stages of the value stream, and the integration is listed on the Integrations page in the web UI.