Installing as an OpenShift application

Before you begin

The ID that you use to install the product must be able to make changes to the host environment. The tools required by all installation scenarios include the following items:
  • Docker installed on the host system.
    Note: If you use Docker for Windows, make sure Docker is using Linux-type containers. HCL Accelerate does not support Windows-type containers.
  • Internet connection. During installation, files and container images are retrieved from remote locations. If you are unable to access the internet during installation, you can download the files beforehand and perform an offline installation. HCL Accelerate supports the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
    Note: Steps to retrieve the container images from public repository to your private repository:

    Use pull command to pull the container images from public repository.

    $ docker pull public repo

    Use tag command to tag the public and private repository.

    $ docker tag public repo private repo

    Use push command to push container images to private repository.

    $ docker push private repo

    All the container images are retrieved from public to private repository.

Note: The installation files used for offline installation are not the same as those used for internet-connected installation. Ensure that you download the right file for your installation environment.

In addition to the requirements for all installation scenarios, you need the following items:

  • Configured OpenShift client instance. This topic uses Minishift for local instance installations.
  • OpenShift command line tool, OC, installed on the client.
  • Create an OpenShift project where you can install HCL Accelerate.
  • Access to the PEM-format certificate and private key that you can use to configure OpenShift routes.
  • Master node: 2 vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 30 GB storage.
  • Other nodes: 1vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 15 GB storage.
Get a key. The key enables you to complete installation. Visit the HCL Accelerate web portal to obtain your key. After completing the form, you will receive a confirmation email with an access key. Store the key in a readily-available location; you use it during installation.
Note: Secure values stored in a JSON file are automatically added to the home directory of the user installing the product. The directory is hidden and should not be modified or removed by the user. Because the values are located in the user's home directory, future upgrades must be performed by the user of the original installation. The encryption key encrypts the secure values in the JSON file. If a user uses the default encryption key when installing the product, future upgrades should proceed normally. If a non-default encryption key is provided for the initial installation, the user must also provide that encryption key for future upgrades. The values stored in the hidden directory are accessed by the installer on any future upgrades, and changes to the secure values will prevent upgraded instances from accessing existing data.

About this task

You will install HCL Accelerate into a OpenShift project. During installation, you configure a MongoDB for your project, add the HCL Accelerate service to your OpenShift project catalog, and create a route that makes the HCL Accelerate application publicly accessible.

If you need to change project parameters, modify the velocity-se-<version number>-openshift.yaml file. HCL Accelerate uses this file to configure the OpenShift project. The velocity-se-<version number>-openshift.yaml file is copied to your local environment during installation.


  1. Download the installation file for your environment.
    Note: For macOS and Linux installations, set the appropriate permissions before running the file: sudo chmod +x.
  2. Run the downloaded executable file.
  3. At the Please enter your Velocity access key prompt, enter your SE version access key.
    If you previously installed an SE version, the already-configured key is the default value.
    Note: Make sure that you enter the key for the right version.
    1. To enforce limits on resources, set the values for the resource flags for all containers and use the customConfigFile flag to set the path of the JSON file that contains values that are specified for individual services.
      An example of an install command using the new flags follows:

      /velocity-ibm-install-1-5-5-macos --resourcesRequestsCpu 60m --customConfigFile resources.json

      You can use the following flags in the command:
      • resourceLimitsMemory
      • resourceLimitscpu
      • resourceRequestMemory
      • resourceRequestcpu
      • customConfigFile
      Note: A resources.json code example follows.
        "resources": {
          "limits": {
            "memory": {
              "default": "1Gi",
              "application-api": "3Gi"
            "cpu": {
              "application-api": "2"
          "requests": {
            "memory": {
              "release-events-ui": "256Mi"
            "cpu": {
              "multi-app-pipeline-api": "45m",
              "release-events-ui": "55m"
  4. Complete local installation by responding to the prompts described in the following steps:
    When the script starts, you are prompted to accept the license. You can explicitly accept the license without viewing it by appending the following parameter to the command:
    ./<accelerate-installation-file> --license=accept
    1. At the Enter your encryption key or leave blank to use the default. Key must be at least 8 characters prompt, enter your encryption key or leave blank to use the default encryption key.
      Note: The encryption key must be at least 8 characters. Save the encryption key to use for further upgrades.
    2. At the Choose the platform prompt, select OpenShift.
    3. At the Please enter your HCL Accelerate access key prompt, specify where to put the installation files.
    4. At the Openshift Project Name prompt, enter the name of the project you created earlier.
    5. At the Name of installation user prompt, enter your OpenShift ID.
    6. At the Choose one prompt, select Install new instance.
      If you are upgrading, see Upgrading OpenShift installations.
    Files that you use to complete installation are copied to the specified directory.
  5. From the directory where you installed the product files, run the oc apply -f pre-install-for-cluster.yaml and then oc apply -f pre-install-for-namespace.yaml.
    Note: The user requires permission to create resources at cluster level to run oc apply -f pre-install-for-cluster.yaml. The user requires permission to create resources at namespace level to run oc apply -f pre-install-for-namespace.yaml.
    The user property in the pre-install-for-cluster.yaml and pre-install-for-namespace.yaml file defaults to 'admin.' Make sure the user property contains the correct OpenShift user ID.
    Note: The user who runs pre-installation command requires cluster-level permission to create ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding.
  6. From the OpenShift dashboard, create a project for HCL Accelerate.
    When the project is created, in the My Projects area, select the project, and then click Browse Catalog.
  7. Install the HCL Accelerate service template in the project catalog by completing the following steps:.
    1. From the OpenShift project catalog, use the Add to Project > Import YAML/JSON command, and then import the velocity-se-<version number>-openshift.yaml file.
      The yaml was installed in the previous step.
    2. Select Create, and then uncheck Process the Template and check Save Template.
      After refreshing the browser, you see the HCL Accelerate service in the OpenShift project catalog.
  8. Create a MongoDB service for the project by completing the following steps:
    1. From the OpenShift project catalog, select MongoDB.
    2. On the MongoDB configuration page, click Next, and then, in the MongoDB Admin Password field, enter a password for admin user.
      You can accept the default values for the other parameters.
      Note: The user must be the admin user, not the MongoDB user.
    3. Click Create.
    4. On the MongoDB has been created page, copy the Connection URL string and store it in a readily-accessible location, then close configuration window.
      You use the connection string to configure your HCL Accelerate project.
  9. Create an HCL Accelerate service by completing these steps.
    1. From project catalog, select Velocity OpenShift Catalog.
      The Velocity configuration window is displayed.
    2. Click Next, and then, in the Name field, enter a service name.
    3. In the Hostname field, enter the service host name.

      The host name must resolve to a name on your DNS server, or in the server's hosts file. On Linux, the file location is etc/hosts; on Windows, the location is C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

      Note: The Hostname cannot be an IP address.
    4. In the Access Key field, paste the HCL Accelerate access key received earlier.
    1. In the Mongo URL field, paste MongoDB connection string for the MongoDB service.
      Do not use the default user or database name. Use the admin user and password you created for the admin. For example:
      Note: When you copy the sample connection code, make sure that you delete the sampleDB part from the copied code.
      If you connect to an authenticated MongoDB database, you can use authSource to specify the database where authenticated users are defined. For example, if the admin user is defined in the admin database, you can use mongodb://root:password@velocity-mongo-mongodb?authSource=admin. If you do not want to use the admin user, log on to the MongoDB and use a command similar to this one to grant admin permissions to the user:
      db.grantRolesToUser( "mongo", ["readWriteAnyDatabase", "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "clusterAdmin"]  )
    1. Accept the default values for the other parameters and click Create.
  10. Optional: If you need to enforce limits on resources, modify the executor parameter in the velocity/templates/workflow-controller-configmap.yaml file.
    For example, to limit ephemeral Argo pods, you might use the following parameter values:
           config: |
             containerRuntimeExecutor: kubelet
             namespace: velocity
                   cpu: 1
                   memory: 2Gi
                   cpu: 50m 
                   memory: 512Mi
  11. Create a route by completing the following steps:
    1. From project dashboard, click Applications > Routes > Create Route.
    2. In the Name field, provide a name for the route.
    3. In the Hostname field, enter the host name you specified earlier for HCL Accelerate.
    4. In the Service field, select the velocity-router service.
    5. Check Secure route.
    6. From the TLS Termination list, select Edge.
    7. Upload your PEM-format certificate or, on the Insecure Traffic list, select Allow.
    8. Click Create.
    The new route is listed on the Routes page.

What to do next

After the installation is complete, open HCL Accelerate by clicking the route name link. The default user name is admin and the default password is admin.