Lesson 2 Integrating Jira into a value stream

Provide Jira project issues to the value stream.

Before you begin

Before you begin this lesson, make sure that you complete the previous lesson.

If you completed the Create a value stream tutorial and want to use the value stream that you created in that tutorial, you can skip this lesson and continue the tutorial with the next lesson.

[Download the value stream from the first tutorial and explain how to configure it. xxx]

About this task

Now that we've configured the value stream for development lifecycle, it's time to add data to the value stream.

Where does value stream data originate? The answer is twofold:

  1. Integrations attached to a value stream define the data sources. A Jira integration, for example, provides Jira project data to the value stream.
  2. DQL queries determine which records from the data source are selected for the value stream.

In this lesson, we address point 1 by adding a Jira integration to the tutorial value stream.

To modify the tutorial value stream, complete the following steps:


  1. Click Settings > Integrations > Plugins.
  2. On the Plugins tab, click Add Integration for the Jira integration.
    Integrations can be defined in several ways. You can define them directly in the JSON file's "integrations" array. You can also define an integration on the Plug-in page, and then reference it in the JSON file. In this lesson, we configure the integration on the Plug-in page.
  3. On the Add Jira integration window, configure an integration by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Integration Name field, enter a name for the integration, such as "tutorial."
      For example, tutorial Jira. Later, we use this name to associate the integration to our value stream.
    2. In the Url field, enter the URL for the Jira project that you configured earlier.
      The URL is similar to this example, https://my_project.atlassian.net.
    3. In the Username field, enter the email address associated with your Jira account.
    4. In the Password field, enter the Jira API key that you created earlier.
      Because we are using the API key, we do not have to use the other authentication-related fields.
    5. In the Projects field, enter your Jira project code.
      Make sure to use the Jira project code and not the project's name. In the Jira project I configured for the tutorial, the Jira project code is DEL.
    6. Click Add.
    The integration is listed on the Integrations page. If the integration is successful, the Status field displays Online. If the status is not Online, use the View log option to troubleshoot the integration. You can increase the logging level in the integration configuration if you need more troubleshooting information.
  4. On the Value Streams page, select the value stream that you created in the previous lesson.
  5. Click Configure value stream map > Download value stream map.
    The tutorial.json file is downloaded to your computer.
    Note: After you modify the default value stream map file, the downloaded file name will reflect the name of the value stream.
  6. In your text editor, open the helloWorld-vsm.json file, and then add the Jira integration to the integrations array in the JSON file.
    Because you already defined the Jira integrations, you can add it to the value stream by referencing its name, as shown in the following example:
         "integrations": [
            "name":"tutorial Jira"
    Of course, use the name you assigned to the integration in Step 3.
  7. In your text editor, add a DQL query to the Backlog stage in the JSON file.
    DQL queries assigned to a stage filter the information that appears in the stage, as shown in the following example:
         "phases": [
              "name": "PLAN",
              "description": "",
              "stages": [
                  "name": "Backlog",
                  "query": "issue.status=\"Backlog\"",
                  "description": "",
                  "wipLimit": null,
                  "gates": null
    It's good practice to escape inner quotes.
  8. Save the tutorial.json file.
  9. On the tutorial value stream page, select Configure value stream map > Replace value stream map, and then select the JSON file that you modified.
    After the file uploads, refresh the helloWorld value stream page. A dot with the Jira status of Backlog appears in the Backlog stage, as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 1. Customized value stream

    If your Jira project has more than one issue with the status of Backlog, corresponding dots for all of them appear in the Backlog stage.

    Select the dot to display a card with information about the dot, including its history. Links to the associated Jira issue are provided.
    Figure 2. Dot information


In this lesson, you integrated the external tool Jira into your value stream and used a DQL query to display data.

What to do next

In the next lesson, we add a DQL query that reflects changes to the integrated Jira issues.