Running pipeline applications

Run applications in a pipeline environment.

About this task

You can manually run an on-demand deployment, schedule a deployment for a later time, or join a deployment to a release. When you start a deployment, the deployment plan template associated with the environment is used. Tasks for applications in the environment are run in order starting with the first task defined in your deployment plan template. You can view the deployment's progress by using the supplied link.


  1. To run a deployment, complete the following steps:
    1. On the Pipeline detail page, click the environment's Deploy button.
      The Deploy button is available if you have sufficient permissions to run applications in the environment.
    2. In the Deploy to window, select the applications that you want to run in the environment.
      By default, all applications are selected in which the latest version in the previous environment has not yet been deployed.
    3. In the Version column, select the version.
      If an environment has a gate rule assigned to it, only application versions that pass the gate rule can deploy. Versions that have passed the gate rule have the status of Passed.
    4. If a gated environment has an unapproved application version, approve the version.
      Only users who are designated responders can approve or reject application versions.
      Note: You can override rejected application versions. To deploy a rejected version, confirm that you intend to override the gate and run the deployment anyway. To override a gate, you must be assigned the Lead Release Manager or Release Manager roles.
    5. Click Deploy, to run the selected application versions.
      A deployment starts with the deployment plan associated with the environment.
  2. Optional: To schedule a deployment for a stage, click Schedule deployment on the context menu for the stage, and then select a future date and start time.
    A deployment for the stage deployment plan will start at the scheduled time. Pipeline scheduled deployments are displayed on the calendar.
  3. Optional: To join a deployment to a release, click Join release on the context menu for the stage, select an associated release, and then a aopplication version. The release must have been preemptively created. The deployment plan will start based on the scheduled start time of the selected release.
    If you would like to start it earlier, you can start the deployment by manually starting one of the eligible deployment plan tasks, or click Edit this plan on the deployment plan in the release. As with other deployment plans, you can add and delete tasks on the pipeline-generated plan at any time. On the release or plan page, use the Go to pipeline... link to open the associated pipeline or stage.

What to do next

You can auto-promote UrbanCode Deploy and Jenkins application from input stage to any other stage environments. To auto-promote, click Auto-promote application icon next to Input and then select Auto promote. In the following modal, select or deselect the environment(s) you wish to promote your version.

The auto-promote process will consider your gating criteria when determining whether to deploy the new version automatically.Auto-promote