Preparing to use Docker

You must be aware of certain system requirements and other information resources to help you get started with using Docker.

Supported versions

To use Docker with HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) for publishing and running stubs, you need Docker version 1.9.1 or later and the Test Integrations and APIs Docker image.


Install Docker by following the instructions at

Next load the Test Integrations and APIs Docker image, by following these steps:

  1. Download the Docker image from the HCLSoftware License & Download portal.
  2. Load the Docker image into Docker by using the following command syntax:
    tar --wildcards --to-command='docker load' -xzf <Docker image> 'images/'*
Note: When you load an image for a fix pack version, the image is tagged with the base version and fix pack version. If an image with the base version tag exists, its tag is removed.


The following table lists the various tasks that need you to run Docker commands and provides references to topics that contain detailed information about them:
Task Reference
Build and publish a Docker image See Dockerfile and build context in Publishing stubs, Publish stubs by using the command line, or Publish stubs by using an Ant task.
Run a stub that you published to a Docker container Running stubs in a Docker container
Stop a stub that you published to a Docker container Stopping stubs that are running in a Docker container
Query stub information in a Docker container Query stub information in Docker images and containers
Query Docker container logs Query Docker container logs


For help with using Docker, refer to the Docker documentation.