Testing with IBM® z/OS® Connect

HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) provides a physical resource to interact with z/OS Connect. You use this resource to import the RESTful API definitions into Test Integrations and APIs, and generate tests and stubs against the imported resources. You can test the RESTful APIs or applications that were already defined or use the virtual services provided by Test Integrations and APIs stubs to simulate a different behavior.

Before you begin

The following table lists the software requirements:
Requirement Description
Test Integrations and APIs 9.0.1 Earlier versions of Test Integrations and APIs 9.0.1 do not support IBM® z/OS® Connect Profile.
IBM® z/OS® Connect 2.0 or later You need access to an IBM® z/OS® Connect Profile before you can use Test Integrations and APIs with IBM® z/OS® Connect.

For more information about IBM® z/OS® Connect Enterprise Edition, see the online product documentation.

About this task

The following limitations apply to testing and virtualization with IBM® z/OS® Connect Enterprise Edition:
  • z/OS Connect functions in the same way as the registry resources such as IBM API management and WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.
  • One z/OS Connect physical resource in Test Integrations and APIs can be mapped to only one z/OS Connect profile. To map to multiple z/OS Connect profiles, create as many z/OS Connect physical resources.
  • z/OS Connect provides Swagger definition document for the RESTful services (APIs) only, and not for the SOAP services (WSDL document).

What to do next

Create a physical z/OS Connect transport as described in Creating a physical z/OS Connect transport.