Adding a Stored Procedure action to a test

The Stored Procedure action runs a stored procedure against the selected database. As you add this action, you can view the code of the stored procedure, specify input values, specify expected return values, or tag return values.

Before you begin

Ensure that the database resource is properly configured in the Architecture School perspective. For more information about configuring a database resource, see Database resources, connections, and bindings.

You must have a test. For more information about creating tests, see Test Factory. Tests include steps and actions. For more information about test steps and actions, see Test actions.

Important: The retrieval of stored procedures must be enabled in the physical database component before you can configure the options in the Stored Procedure test action. For more information, see Configuring the physical database resource.

About this task

Selecting the test


  1. In Test Integrations and APIs Test Factory perspective, double-click the test where the Stored Procedure action is to be added.
  2. In the Test Editor window, click General > Stored Procedure.
  3. To edit the action, double-click Stored Procedure action.

    The Stored Procedure dialog opens where you can select the stored procedure.

Selecting the stored procedure


  1. Select a database resource from the available resources in the project by clicking Browse.

    The initial list of databases is derived from the information that is provided in the Architecture School perspective. If the operation that you are creating a test for has a dependency on a database, then that database shows in the list when Obey References is set to Yes. If you want to work with a database where there is no dependency link to the current operation, all databases in the project can be viewed by setting Obey References to No.

    Stored Procedure Call Config tab
  2. Narrow the procedures available by selecting a schema, or a catalog or package if available.
  3. Select the procedure or function to run when the stored procedure action runs.
  4. For Oracle database connections, if you use DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE() in your stored procedure code, specify that its output is sent to the console when you are running tests by clicking the Log DBMS_OUTPUT to Console check box.
  5. To retrieve procedures only from the users schema (based on the user name and password that is supplied under the Settings tab of the physical database resource), click the Use Connection User Name check box. If you used tags for the user name and password when you set up the database connection settings, you can easily retrieve procedures from each user's schema.
    Tip: If you do not see the procedures that you are expecting, check the connection settings and the Stored Procedure filters that are configured on the physical database resource.
  6. To parse implicit result sets returned by the selected procedure, click the Parse Results Set check box.
  7. Save the Stored Procedure action by clicking OK.

Testing the stored procedure

About this task

Before you run the stored procedure against a selected database, it might be a good idea to test the procedure.


  1. To run the stored procedure and retrieve the data without running the test, click Test.

    The results are displayed and any returned data is shown in the Preview dialog.

    Stored Procedure Results Preview
  2. To manually add data instead of changing the sample results sets that are returned from the stored procedure, click Close to return to the Stored Procedure dialog without copying the results. To configure the sample results, click Overwrite expected result to copy the results into the Assert tab of the Stored Procedure dialog. This data is the data that is compared with the stored procedure during test execution.
    Stored Procedure Assert tab

Specifying inputs

About this task

You can specify values or tags to supply as inputs to a stored procedure.


  1. Click the Value tab. Stored Procedure Value tab
  2. Enter the values to supply as inputs for each message in the message structure. You can enter the value in to the Value field or you can right-click the Value field and select Contents > Edit.

    With the menu option, the Field Editor opens. By default the value is an Action Type of Value, and the value is set to whatever value you want to supply as an input to that field. For more information about the field editor, see The Field Editor.

    Stored Procedure Value tab
  3. If you are supplying different inputs each time, disable validation on the Assert tab.

Specifying expected return values

About this task

You can specify expected return values from the stored procedure. For example, you might want to validate what each message in the message structure returns.


  1. Click the Assert tab. Stored Procedure Call Assert tab
  2. Enter a value for each message in the message structure. You can enter the value in to the Value field or you can right-click the Value field and select Contents > Edit.

    With the menu option, the Field Editor opens. By default the value is an Action Type of Equality, and the value is set to whatever value is in the database within that field. For more information about the field editor, see The Field Editor.

    Stored Procedure Validate tab
  3. The test fails if the stored procedure does not return the expected values. If you want to skip validation for any row, you must disable the validation check box Validation check box directly to its right.

Tagging return values

About this task

You can tag any of the return values from the stored procedure for later use. For example, you might want to set the value of tags in the test to the values of each column in the data source.


  1. Click the Store tab. Stored Procedure Store tab
  2. Type the name of a tag (new or existing), or right-click the field name and select Contents > Quick Tag to create a tag of the same name or right-click the field name and select Contents > Edit.

    With the menu option, the Field Editor opens. By default the value is an Action Type of Copy, and the tag is set to whatever value you set for the tag within that field. For more information about the field editor, see The Field Editor.

    Field Editor for Store tab

  3. If you are expecting different values each time, disable validation on the Assert tab.