Configuring DevOps Test Integrations and APIs for recording IMS Connect traffic

You can set up HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) to record IBM® IMS Connect traffic. In the Recording Studio of Test Integrations and APIs, recorded traffic can be filtered based upon Datastore, Client ID, Message-Type, and Transaction Code.

About this task

Configuring Test Integrations and APIs for recording IMS Connect traffic involves modifying the registration.xml file of the HTTP/TCP proxy, which is a component of HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel).


  1. Configure port-forwarding in the registration.xml file of the HTTP/TCP proxy to forward Information Management System Connect traffic into the proxy, and then to the actual Information Management System Connect server. This file is in the httptcp folder in the Test Virtualization Control Panel installation directory.
  2. Add a forward bind line in the registration.xml file as follows:
       <forward bind="" destination="" type="imsconnect"/>
    Note: Test Integrations and APIs 8.5.1 or later supports two type values for configuring forward bind. In addition to the type value imsconnect, the ims type is also supported. These values can be used as aliases to each other.
  3. Define the message exit in the registration.xml file if you are using a message exit other than the IBM-supplied sample exit, HWSSMPL0 (also known by its irm-id of *SAMPLE*). Add a sub-element within the ims element for each exit, and specify the following attributes:
    • irm-id: This is the IRM-ID for the exit. The value must match the one that the client program places within the packets in the IRM header. The IRM header then sends it to IMS Connect. For example, the IRM-ID of the IMS sample user exit HWSSAMPL is, *SAMPL1*.
      Note: The value of irm-id can be different from the exit name.
    • message-type: This attribute is reserved for future use. Specify ALL for the value.
    • message-format: This attribute is used to define the format of messages produced by the message exit. The only valid values are LLLL and LLZZ. LLLL indicates that the message exit prefixes each message with a 4-byte length, whereas LLZZ indicates that the message exit prefixes each message with a 2-byte length followed by two bytes of 00's. If the IMS data that is passed through the proxy server is formatted by a message exit that is not defined as outlined in this step, it is assumed that the format of the data is LLZZ.
    A sample definition for the IBM-supplied HWSSMPL0 exit and a user-defined exit named USER01 is as follows:
    <message-exit irm-id="*SAMPL1*" message-type="ALL" message-format="LLLL"/> 
    <message-exit irm-id="*USER01*" message-type="ALL" message-format="LLLL"/> 

What to do next

You must restart the proxy service after changing the configurations in the registration.xml file. See Starting and stopping the HTTP/TCP proxy.