Release notes for HCL OneTest Virtualization

This document contains information about What's new, installation, known issues, known limitations, and contact information of HCL support.


Product description

HCL OneTest Virtualization is a virtualization tool that includes capabilities to automate and run virtual services earlier and more often to find problems sooner in the development cycle. See HCL OneTest Virtualization overview.

What's new

You can find information about the features introduced in this release of HCL OneTest Virtualization and HCL OneTest API.

The following sections list the new features, enhancements, or other changes made in this release.
  • Documentation

    You can now quickly add your comments to provide your feedback about the documentation for HCL OneTest API by posting to a product forum. To add your comments as feedback, you must first register at HCL Support. Your login information along with your comments are governed by the privacy policy of HCL. By commenting, you accept the terms of use of HCL.

  • HCL OneTest Server

    For information about HCL OneTest Server, see Release notes.

  • HCL Quality Server
    • Tools page

      The list of agents changed for a release was updated. Review the Tools page of HCL Quality Server to see each tool and the version that it was last changed.

    • Changes to the creation of a default domain during the installation of Rational Test Control Panel

      Previously, when you installed Rational Test Control Panel by using IBM Installation Manager, a domain with the name Default was created, which was incorrect.

      Installation Manager now does not create the default domain when you install HCL Quality Server.

      The server administrator of HCL Quality Server can create and configure the required domains from the server interface.

  • Installation
    • Product installation by using the stand-alone installer

      You can now use the stand-alone installer, which is provided along with the products package on the HCL Flexnet Portal, to install HCL OneTest API, HCL OneTest API Agent, and HCL Quality Server.You can use the interactive GUI method to install or use the silent mode to install the products on the operating systems that are supported.

      See Installing the product software by using the stand-alone installer.

    • Support for enabling the Network Packet Capture feature during or after installation

      Previously, when you installed HCL OneTest API on Windows, the Network Packet Capture feature was automatically selected as a default option.

      Now, by default, the Network Packet Capture feature is not installed when you install HCL OneTest API on Windows.

      You can enable this feature either during installation or any time after installation by using the Modify option, if you are using Installation Manager. If you are using the stand-alone Installer, you must uninstall and enable this feature during installation.

  • Technologies
    • Migrating Postman collections to HCL OneTest API

      You can now migrate the Postman collections to HCL OneTest API, if you use Postman for REST API testing and API virtualization.

      With the migration feature, HCL OneTest API automatically converts and creates equivalent HCL OneTest API test resources for the Postman collections, environments, variables, requests, tests, and other Postman entities.

      Thereafter, you can run the tests and stubs on HCL OneTest API without using Postman.

      See Testing the migrated Postman collections.

    • New command options for specifying path and type of test assets

      Previously, if the path that you specified in the -run command was ambiguous and referenced multiple test assets, none of those assets were run.

      Now, with the introduction of the command options -runPath and -runType, you can use these options to run all the test assets of the specified type that are in the specified path in combination with or without the -run command option.

      See Run tests by using the command line.

    • Adding of SWIFT Schemas

      Previously, you used the SWIFT schemas that were provided by HCL OneTest API and applied them to SWIFT messages.

      Now, you can use one of more versions of SWIFT schemas after you download the schemas from the SWIFT website to apply to SWIFT messages.

      See Adding SWIFT schemas.

    • Enhanced support while adding a schema

      HCL OneTest API is enhanced to support a wider range of schema file extensions. When you want to add a schema from the Schema Library View without specifying the schema type, you now have the option to select the applicable schema if a file extension applies to multiple schemas.

      See Adding a schema.

    • Recording Istio traffic by using Istio 1.6

      Istio service virtualization via Istio is now supported on Istio Service Mesh 1.6.

    • Display of results in IBM® Rational® Quality Manager

      The performance of tests that are executed from IBM® Rational® Quality Manager is improved by the elimination of logging less important parts of the console output when the test is run. The entire console output can be viewed from the link in the results.

      Also, when you ran test suites previously that contained tests that ran in parallel, the results were not displayed correctly in IBM® Rational® Quality Manager. This problem is resolved.

    • Support for use of certificates without CA

      The HTTP Proxy of HCL OneTest API no longer requires that the certificate used for signing as part of SSL termination carry the attribute basicConstraint ca=true.

      However, you must configure client applications appropriately to trust the generated certificates that do not set the CA as the basic constraint.

      Additionally, the proxy now directly utilizes any key pairs that exist in the store where the certificate lists the target endpoint in either the CN or SubjectAlternateName fields.

    • Logging of stub metrics

      It is now possible to configure agent logging to provide metrics regarding stub execution performance. To do this, you must edit the file and add the following line:
      com.ghc.ghTester.runtime.actions.StubStarterAction.level = FINE
      If you have previously modified the properties, ensure that the handlers to which engine messages are written can log FINE messages. By default, only a file handler is configured and has the following setting, which meets this requirement: = FINEST

      Note that it is not necessary to restart the agent for this configuration to be picked up, but it does not affect engines that are already running stubs.

      With this configuration in place, metrics are recorded in the engine log after each event is handled.

      See Logging of stub metrics.

    • Display of the correct version when IBM® WebSphere® MQ exit starts

      The IBM® WebSphere® MQ exit for z/OS and the IBM CICS DPL exit now displays the latest version when it is started. The latest MQ exit version has the same functions as the previous exit. Therefore, you need not upgrade it to the latest exit version.

Deprecated capabilities

You can find information about the capabilities that are deprecated in this release and are planned for a removal in a future release.
Note: You can contact the HCL Client Support team if you have any concerns.
  • No capability is deprecated.

Removed capabilities

Support for the following operating systems or supported software that were announced in previous releases as deprecated are removed in this release:
  • No capability is removed.

Installing and upgrading

You can find information about the installation and upgrade instructions for HCL OneTest Virtualization and HCL® Quality Server.

Installing HCL OneTest Virtualization

For information about installation, see Installing HCL OneTest Virtualization.

Installing HCL® Quality Server

For information about installation, see Installation of HCL Quality Server.

Upgrading HCL OneTest Virtualization

If you use Installation Manager, you can find the upgrade requirements in Upgrading HCL OneTest API Agent.

If you use the stand-alone installer to install the software packages, you cannot upgrade the product software. You must uninstall the previous version of the product software and install the latest version by using the stand-alone installer.

Upgrading HCL® Quality Server

If you use Installation Manager, you can find the upgrade requirements in HCL Quality Server upgrade information and requirements.

If you use the stand-alone installer to install the software packages, you cannot upgrade the product software. You must uninstall the previous version of the product software and install the latest version by using the stand-alone installer.

Known issues

You can find information about the known issues identified in this release of HCL OneTest Virtualization.
Table 1. Release documents - Fix list and known issues
Product Download document Knowledge base
HCL OneTest API Release document HCL support

The knowledge base is continually updated as problems are discovered and resolved. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

Known limitations

The only known limitation is that the Logical View does not display a diagram. Instead, a tree view, similar to that used in the Test Factory and Test Lab is used to support the logical components of the SUT.

Contacting HCL support

  • For technical assistance, contact HCL Customer Support.
  • Before you contact HCL support, you must gather the background information that you might need to describe your problem. When you describe a problem to the HCL support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:
    • What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?
    • Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?
    • Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it?
    • Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.