Lesson 3: Running a test

You can learn about running a test to verify whether a test scenario is played back successfully by HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI).

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

For the test scenario in this tutorial, you can run the recorded test on the Google Chrome browser.
Note: Before the test run, you can remove any waiting time (Think time) that you spent on a control or a test line.


  1. Click Run Test in the test editor window of the UI Test perspective.

    The Confirm Perspective Switch dialog is displayed.

    UI test editor Run Test

  2. Click Switch to run the test in the Test Execution perspective.
  3. Select Chrome in the Run Configuration dialog.
    Run Configuration

  4. Click Finish.

    The test run begins.


You have learned to run a test.

At the end of the test run, Test UI generates the test log and reports.

What to do next

You can learn about the test log and reports that are generated by Test UI. See Lesson 4: Test log and reports.