Running a test from the command line

You can run Web UI, mobile, and windows tests using the command-line interface of HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI).

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:


  1. Go to one of the following directories:
    • <productInstallationDirectory>\cmdline directory that contains on Linux operating system.
    • <productInstallationDirectory>\cmdline directory that contains on Mac operating system.
    • <productInstallationDirectory>\cmdline directory that contains cmdline.bat on Windows operating system.
  2. Close Test UI, if it is open, before running the cmdline command.
  3. Enter the following command to run the test:
    cmdline -workspace <workspacename> -project <projectname> -suite <suitename>

    For example:

    The test execution starts and the status is displayed on the screen.
    • The workspace is locked after you issue the command. To check the progress of the test during the run, invoke another workspace and open the project through that workspace.
    • On Linux operating system, the command must start with

    The command line syntax with the supported options is as follows:

    cmdline -workspace <workspace_full_path> -project <proj_relative_path> -eclipsehome <eclipse_full_path> -plugins <plugin_full_path> -suite <suite_relative_path> -importzip <> -varfile <variable_file_full_path> -configfile <file_full_path> -results <result_file> -overwrite <{"true" | "false"}> -quiet -vmargs <JVM_args> -publish < -publish_for {ALL,PASS,FAIL,ERROR, INCONCLUSIVE}> -labels <labelname1, labelname2> -exportlog <log_full_path> -exportstats <local_dir_path> -exportstatshtml <local_dir_path> -exportstatsformat <name of the file format> -compare <"result_path1, result_path2"> -exportstatreportlist <stats_list> -execsummary <local_dir_path> -execsummaryreport <reportID> -usercomments <"any user comment"> -publishreports <"FT, STATS, TESTLOG"> -stdout -swapdatsets <existing_dataset_file_path:new_dataset_file-path>

    If a value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks. To see the online help for this command while you are in the directory that contains the .bat file, type cmdline -help.

    To stop the test run, you can open another command prompt window and use one of the following options with the cmdline option:
    Command Description
    -stoprun Optional. Stops the test run after the specified number of seconds. The block is executed, and the test log is transferred before stopping the run. You must use the -workspace command and specify the location of the workspace.
    -abandonrun Optional. Stops the test run immediately. You must use the -workspace command and specify the location of the workspace.
    Note: Messages are displayed to indicate when the test is launched and when it is completed unless you include the -quiet option.

What to do next

After you run the test you may want to export the results for further analysis. For more information, see Exporting report counters automatically.