Defect fixes

You can find the defects that are fixed in this version of HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI). You can also find the defects that were fixed in the earlier versions of Test UI. DevOps Test UI is the new name of HCL OneTest UI from 11.0.0 onwards.

Defects fixed in DevOps Test UI 2024.06 (11.0.2)

The defects fixed in the current version of Test UI are as follows:
ID Description
TP-91484 Previously, when you selected the Load option from My Repository workspace for a component to load all the test assets available in the stream to be pushed to IBM® Engineering Workflow Management, the assets created by the other users failed to load and displayed an error message. This problem is fixed.

Previously, when you ran a functional test from IBM® Engineering Test Management, and if the test run could not be completed because of any errors, the execution status stopped and remained at 70%. This problem is fixed.

Now, even in the event of errors, the test runs till it is 100% complete and the log file updates correctly.
TP-92285 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test that had user actions on multiple windows, the switchover to the parent window, after closure of the child window, for the user action did not work correctly and the test run failed with the NoSuchWindow exception. This problem is fixed.

Defects fixed in earlier versions

Defects fixed in 11.0.1

ID Description
TP-85450 Previously, when you recorded tests for an HTML application, the recording window of the functional test script either did not capture test steps or slowed down if you selected Enable Simplified Scripting in the Preferences window for Functional Testing. To fix this problem, you can clear the Enable Simplified Scripting option in the Preferences window, and then select the Simplified Scripting option from the Select Mode list in the Record a DevOps Test UI window.
TP-87273 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine and if a test step had an image verification point on a div control in the second window of the application, then the verification point failed. This problem is fixed.
TP-87880 Previously, when you recorded additional steps by using the Insert Recording into Active Functional Test Script option in the running browser instance for a functional HTML test, the recording failed with an error. This problem is fixed.
TP-89305 Previously, when you ran a test for Windows 64-bit applications with the tree-view control, the playback failed with SubitemNotFoundException. This problem is fixed.
TP-91129 Previously, when you recorded tests for a Windows application, after the log-on action, the login window closed and with that the test recording stopped abruptly. As a result, the recording could not continue on the new window that appeared. This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you configured the RQM adapter of Test UI to enable logging by using the configureadapter.bat file, the adapter failed to generate debug traces. To fix this problem, you must perform the following steps:
  1. Download the log4j2.xml file, and place the file in the DevOpsTest\FunctionalTester\RQMAdapter directory.
  2. Copy the following jar files from <Install_Directory>\HCLIMShared\plugins\<version>\lib to the DevOpsTest\FunctionalTester\RQMAdapter directory:
    • commons-logging-1.2.jar
    • log4j-api-2.17.1.jar
    • log4j-core-2.17.1.jar
    • log4j-jcl-2.17.1.jar
  3. Replace start "" %RFT_ARG_JRE% -classpath %RFT_INSTALL_DIR%\rational_ft.jar com.rational.test.ft.RQMAdapterConfigure %* in the configureadapter.bat file with the following command:

    start "" %RFT_ARG_JRE% -Dlog4j2.configurationFile=.\log4j2.xml -classpath .\log4j-api-2.17.1.jar;.\log4j-core-2.17.1.jar;.\log4j-jcl-2.17.1.jar;.\commons-logging-1.2.jar;%RFT_INSTALL_DIR%\rational_ft.jar com.rational.test.ft.RQMAdapterConfigure %*

When you record or play back functional tests for Java applications that use Java 9 or later on Linux, the UI controls might not be recognized correctly. To work around this problem, you must perform the following steps:
  1. Set the path of the rational_ft_bootstrap.jar file in the executable file with the other jar files of the application for which you are running the test: DWCLASSPATH=/opt/HCL/HCLIMShared/plugins/com.rational.test.ft.enabler.wsw_10.1.0.v20240208_0142/rational_ft_bootstrap.jar
  2. Add the following java flags:
TP-91569 Previously, when you ran a functional test that had steps associated with a logger and feign client dataset APIs, Test UI displayed java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError. This problem is fixed.
TP-91596 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test with a custom code to use JDBC libraries, Test UI displayed java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError. This problem is fixed.
TP-91735 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test that had a verification point to verify the tagName property, the test step failed. This problem is fixed.

Defects fixed in 11.0.0

ID Description

Previously, when you ran Web UI tests that had a large number of test steps, the unified report failed to be exported as a PDF. This problem is fixed.

TP-89286 Previously, when you ran a schedule that had a UI test, and if the RTW_WebUI_Browser_Selection variable was not defined for the test, the test failed without an indicative message for the failure. This problem is fixed.

Previously, when you ran a Web UI test from a schedule, and if the test had Verification Points (VPs) with the Retry verification point until attribute is verified or time out expires option selected, the test failed randomly. This problem is fixed.

TP-89519 Previously, when you ran a security scan before installing DevOps Test UI as part of DevOps Test Workbench, the scan reported certain common security vulnerabilities (CVEs). These known vulnerabilities are fixed.
TP-89803 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine and if the test contained an ITestDataTable API, then the test either failed to retrieve the row count in the table or the playback slowed down. This problem is fixed.
TP-89916 Previously, when you recorded a Web UI test that had a test step to select an option from a list box, the test step was not captured. This problem is fixed.
TP-90253 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test that had an alphanumeric value with 8 characters for a UI control, the test failed. This problem is fixed.

Defects fixed in 10.5.4

ID Description
TP-87288 Previously, when you ran mobile tests on Android devices, some pages of the mobile application took a long time to load. This problem is fixed.
TP-88193 Previously, it was not possible for you to use Git Actions to run Web UI tests when HCL OneTest UI is installed on MacOS Ventura 13. This problem is fixed.
TP-88249 Previously, when you ran mobile tests on Android devices, the test step with the swipe-down action failed. This problem is fixed.
TP-88309 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test in the headless mode in Google Chrome, the browser was not maximized, and the screen resolution did not match the resolution that was used while recording the test.

This problem can be fixed by specifying the screen resolution by using the Launch browser arguments option in the Run configuration dialog.

TP-88352 Previously, when Verification Points (VPs) failed with the timeout error in a Web UI test, the unified report excluded the timed-out VPs and displayed an incorrect number under VP Steps. This problem is fixed.
TP-88365 Previously, when you recorded a Web UI test or added steps to an existing test by using the Running browser instance option in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, HCL OneTest UI did not generate the test steps after you stopped recording. This problem is fixed.
TP-88510 Previously, when you recorded mobile tests on Android devices, user actions on some pages of the mobile application took longer to process. This problem is fixed.
TP-88601 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine that had a test step with startApp(executable, url) and a regular expression to find an object, then the test failed with an exception because the required object was not found. This problem is fixed.
TP-88751 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test that was recorded by using the running browser instance, and when the default profile was configured in the Preferences page for Microsoft Edge, then the test failed with a fatal error. This problem is fixed.
TP-88799 Previously, when you tried to record or run a Web UI test by using Google Chrome 115, the browser failed to open because of the unavailability of the compatible Chrome Driver for download. This problem is fixed.
TP-88809 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test that had a test step with a drop-down list item with a non-breaking space (&nbsp;), then the test failed. This problem is fixed.
TP-89379 Previously, when you used the default profile of a browser to run a Web UI test, the unified report opened successfully whereas the application failed to open in the browser. This problem is fixed.

You can now select the Launch report after playback option in the Window > Preferences > Test > Test Execution > UI Test > Playback > Report tab before the playback.

Defects fixed in 10.5.3

ID Description
TP-85384 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test that contained a dataset, and if you used the custom code IDataSetController and the getRow(i) API to retrieve dataset row details, HCL OneTest UI failed to retrieve the data beyond the second row with the java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException error. This problem is fixed.
TP-85967 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine and if the test contained an ITestDataTable API, then the test failed to retrieve the data in the table. An error was logged in the unified report. This problem is fixed.
TP-85989 Previously, when you opened the test to customize the test script of the SAP Fiori application, it took more time to edit the steps and save any changes. This problem is fixed.
TP-86525 Previously, when you tried to add a step in the functional test script by using the Insert Test Object option, HCL OneTest UI failed to highlight the control with a red rectangle. This problem is fixed.
TP-86906 When HCL OneTest UI opened Google Chrome 111 to record or run a Web UI test, the browser opened with a blank page and failed to record or run the test. This problem is fixed.
TP-86991 Previously, when you selected the Launch browser with arguments option to record or play back a Web UI test, HCL OneTest UI did not retain the selection for the consecutive test recordings or test runs. Also, if you deleted the arguments in the text box when the Launch browser with arguments option was not selected, then HCL OneTest UI displayed an error. This problem is fixed.
TP-87077 When HCL OneTest UI opened Google Chrome 111 or Microsoft Edge 112 to record or run a Web UI test, the browser opened with a blank page and failed to record or run the test. This problem is fixed.
TP-87151 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine and if a test step had multiple properties that were used with a regular expression to find an object, then the required object was not found, and the test failed with an exception. This problem is fixed.
TP-87168 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine and if a test step had a className property that was used with a regular expression to find an object, then the required object was not found, and the test failed with an exception. This problem is fixed.
TP-87180 Previously, when you ran a schedule for Web UI tests by using HCL OneTest UI in shell-sharing mode with HCL OneTest Performance, and if you had set the Action to Exit User for UI Action Failed and UI Fatal Error in Window > Preferences > Test > Test Execution > Error handling, then the test run continued to the next test even after the first test failed. This problem is fixed.
TP-87226 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test that had a verification point to verify the content of a scalable vector graphic text, the test step failed. This problem is fixed.
TP-87301 Previously, when you ran a mobile test on devices or simulators connected to a remote agent computer on a Mac operating system, the port number of the remote agent specified in the Window > Preferences > Test > Test Execution > UI Test Playback > Mobile Device tab was ignored, and the test failed with an error. This problem is fixed.
TP-87925 Previously, when you ran a mobile test with a Tap action at specific coordinates for the container element, the playback failed. This problem is fixed.

Defects fixed in 10.5.2

ID Description
TP-83333 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine and if a test step had a large number of UI controls to be recognized, then the test failed with an exception. This problem is fixed.
TP-83452 Previously, when you recorded a script in Windows and played it back in Linux, the user actions on the menu bar failed with a NoMatchingWindowException error. To work around this problem, you must convert the Eclipse.exe process name in the test script into a regular expression for pattern matching, and then run the test.
TP-84765 Previously, when you ran a web UI test with a verification point to verify the content of a scalable vector graphic text, the test step failed. This problem is fixed.
TP-85123 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test that is contained in a compound test or if the Web UI test contains split UI actions, then the substitution of dataset variable started to replicate and multiply. The multiple substitution terminated the test run. This problem is fixed.
TP-85179 Previously, when you ran a test that contained menu actions in an Eclipse application, the test steps with a menu().click action failed with an exception. This problem is fixed.
TP-85313 Previously, when you recorded a Web UI test, HCL OneTest UI failed to stop the recording and did not generate the test immediately after you closed the browser window. This problem is fixed.
TP-85491 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine in the Edge browser, the browser closed after the test run was completed, although the close browser action was not listed in the script. This problem is fixed.

Now, if the close browser action is not listed in the script, the browser continues to run after the test run completes and only the browser driver is closed in the background.

TP-85813 Previously, during a Web UI test recording, if you clicked the Finish button instead of the Next button in the Select Client Application dialog and skipped to view or perform actions on the subsequent Browser Recorder Settings dialog, then HCL OneTest UI did not open the browser. This problem is fixed.

Now, if you click the Finish button instead of the Next button in the Select Client Application dialog, the browser page opens with the welcome message.

TP-85825 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine, the unified report failed to display images of certain image verification points. This failure occurred when the image name of an image verification point contained more than 15 Japanese characters. This problem is fixed.
TP-85913 Previously, when you ran a compound test that contained an SAP GUI test, the test failed with an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error. Also, each test in the compound test failed with an error when you ran them separately. This problem is fixed.
TP-85921 Previously, when the required object was not found in the GUI during the playback of a Web UI test, the time taken for test run increased drastically. This problem is fixed.
TP-86042 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine and if a test step had a data grid verification point, then the test failed with the ObjectNotFoundException exception. This problem is fixed.
TP-86565 Previously, when you opened the test to edit the test steps of the SAP Fiori application, it took more time to navigate between the steps and save any changes. This problem is fixed.
TP-86772 When HCL OneTest UI opened Google Chrome 111 to record or run a Web UI test, the browser opened with a blank page and failed to record or run the test. As a work around, before you record in Google Chrome 111, you must specify the following value in the Launch browser with arguments field in the Recorder Settings dialog:--remote-allow-origins=*Similarly, before you run the test in Google Chrome 111, you must specify the following value in the Launch browser with arguments field in the Run Configuration dialog:--remote-allow-origins=*

Defects fixed in 10.5.1

ID Description
TP-63512 Previously, the information about the newly added dataset APIs was not available in the HCL OneTest UI API reference. This problem is fixed.

You can refer to for the updated API reference.

TP-82973 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine, HCL OneTest UI failed to verify the test steps that had an image verification point. This problem is fixed.
TP-83909 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test in HCL OneTest UI 10.5.0, the time taken for the test run was longer when compared to the time taken in the earlier versions of HCL OneTest UI. This problem is fixed.
TP-84057 Previously, when you ran the ClassicsJavaA sample test by using the Import option, the test got terminated abruptly with the 'WSW Plugin bootstrap found other, non-extensible bootstrap already running' error. This problem is fixed.
TP-84096 Previously, if you removed screen captures by using the Delete snapshots and hierarchies option for a mobile test, then you were not able to take the screen captures again in the subsequent test run by using the guided healing feature. This problem is fixed.
TP-84154 Previously, when you ran a compound test that contained an API test by using the command line, the unified report displayed a blank page. This problem is fixed.
TP-84185 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine in Edge, the actions on radio buttons, image buttons, and links were delayed and at times the playback failed. This problem is fixed.
TP-84471 Previously, HCL OneTest UI did not support the actions in the functional test scripts that used the Function (F1 – F12) keys if you ran the test by using the Web UI engine. This problem is fixed.

If any function key such as the F12 key is assigned as a playback hot key, then you must reassign the key before you run such tests with function keys in the script. For more information, refer to

TP-84482 Previously, when you ran mobile tests on Android devices, user actions on the secured pages such as payment pages of the mobile application were slow. This problem is fixed.
TP-84491 Previously, when you ran a mobile test on Android devices, the swipe up and swipe down navigation actions failed with a timeout error. This error occurred only when the application was enabled with the horizontal scroll view. This problem is fixed.
TP-84658 Previously, when you ran a functional test for the first time to create a verification point by using the vpDynamic("vpName").performTest() action in the test script, the test step failed. This problem is fixed.

You must clear the Record Test Object Relative Verification Point checkbox by navigating to the Windows > Preferences > Functional Test > Recorder page, and then run the test to create a verification point. After creating the verification point, you must select the Record Test Object Relative Verification Point checkbox for any subsequent test runs.

TP-84676 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine, HCL OneTest UI failed to identify the correct object on the page by using the classIndex property. This problem is fixed.

Now, you can also use control.getProperty(".classIndex") to get the correct classIndex of any object.

TP-84765 Previously, when you ran a web UI test with a verification point to verify the content of a scalable vector graphic text, the test step failed. This problem is fixed.
TP-85068 After you ran a Web UI or functional test from Engineering Test Management, and when you clicked the unified report link, the report failed to open. To open the reports, you must perform the following steps, which is a one-time setup:
  1. Click the Administration icon in the header of Engineering Test Management.
  2. Click Manage Project Properties > Properties > Test Result Preference.
  3. Select the Open attachments in test results directly, without prompting users to open or save them checkbox.
  4. Click the unified report.
TP-85098 Previously, when you ran mobile tests on Android devices, the test step with the swipe-up action on the calendar control occurs just once instead of multiple times. This problem is fixed.
TP-85270 Previously, in the unified report, if you clicked the name of the image verification point that contained Japanese characters, then the unified report displayed a blank page. This problem is fixed.
TP-85321 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine, occasionally, the test step failed. This failure occurred when the click action was on a link in the second browser window and the control was unable to switch to the second browser window because the window got closed. HCL OneTest UI displayed the ‘object not found’ error. This problem is fixed.

Defects fixed in 10.5.0

ID Description
TP-78015 Previously, on the Windows operating system, if you started an application under test (AUT) with a user credential that was different from the logged-in user by using the RunAs construct, then HCL OneTest UI was unable to record or play back tests against such an application. This issue is fixed.

Now, you can run tests for applications that use a different user credential when HCL OneTest UI is started as an administrator.

TP-79364 Previously, when you ran a compound test that had tests from different projects and the tests also included datasets, the test failed due to incorrect processing of datasets. This problem is fixed. 
TP-82239 Previously, when you ran a functional test in the VS2019 IDE, the playback failed at the verification point if there were multiple lines separated by the Carriage Return Line Feed (CRLF) characters. This problem is fixed.
TP-82345 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine for the web application that is enabled with Content Security Policy, HCL OneTest UI failed to identify the UI controls. This problem is fixed.
TP-82584 Previously, when you ran Web UI tests in Mozilla Firefox 97 or later, the close application action was marked as failed in the unified report. Similarly, when you ran functional HTML tests by using the Web UI engine in Firefox 97 or later, the browser_htmlBrowser().close() action was marked as failed in the unified report. This problem is fixed.
TP-82758 Previously, if a step description in the unified report contained special characters such as symbols, then the export of the report to the PDF format failed as these special characters are not supported by the PDFBox framework. This problem is fixed.

Now, each special character gets replaced with a space character automatically before the export of the report.

TP-82770 Previously, when you tried to add additional steps to an existing Web UI test in Microsoft Edge by using the Steps from Recording (web) option, the browser name was not displayed in the Select Client Application list. This problem is fixed.
TP-82803 Previously, if you ran a test in HCL OneTest UI that is configured for the Japanese locale or if the test log name contained Japanese characters, then the export of the unified report to the PDF format failed. An error message in garbled Japanese characters was displayed. This problem is fixed.
TP-82812 Previously, when you installed HCL OneTest UI on a Linux operating system and set the environment variable, the UI Test Agent failed to start due to the missing Appium node module. This problem is fixed.
TP-82930 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine, HCL OneTest UI failed to start image comparison for the test step with an image verification point. The "Window is disabled" error was displayed. This problem is fixed.

Now, HCL OneTest UI finds the image object, activates the window that contains the object for comparison, and then compares the objects for image verification points.

TP-83150 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine, the test step that contained the Choose File action failed as the UI control was not correctly recognized. This problem is fixed.

Now, the default value of the "functional.tester.html.playback.async" variable is set to ‘true’ in the <Install_Directory>\FunctionalTester\bin\ file.

TP-83164 Previously, when you removed or moved the arguments in the Custom Code (JavaScript) step of a Web UI test, the test steps were not updated correctly. This problem is fixed.
TP-83179 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the simplified script, all the image verification points of a window were displayed with the same name in the unified report. As a result, it was difficult to identify the images of failed verification points. This problem is fixed.

Now, HCL OneTest UI displays image verification point names in the following format:Verify Image <window_name> <verification_point_type> <property_name>

TP-83230 Previously, the unified report opened an empty page when you clicked the data grid verification point step under the Details pane. This issue occurred for data fields in the table with multiple horizontal and vertical headers. This problem is fixed.
TP-83334 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine, the test failed if the application under test had multiple browser windows to be opened during the test run. This problem is fixed.

Now, the multiple browser windows are opened correctly by the ensureObjectIsVisible() method.

TP-83370 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test in Google Chrome with the Allow recording after playback option enabled, the test failed with a fatal error. This problem is fixed.

Now, HCL OneTest UI activates the recording script to add test steps only after the playback is complete.

TP-84022 Previously, when you ran a Web UI test with an associated dataset, the test failed to read all the rows and stopped after completing a few iterations. This problem is fixed.

Defects fixed in 10.2.3

ID Description
TP-68052 Previously, when you ran a functional test using Web UI engine and clicked at a specific point in a control within a frame, the click action was performed somewhere on the frame and not at the specific point.

This problem is fixed.

Now, if co-coordinates for each of the specific points are given in the script, the click action is performed at that point in the control.
TP-78322 Previously, when you record a functional test by using Java 9 or later, the controls were incorrectly identified that resulted in the verification points to be incorrectly captured. This problem is fixed.
TP-79119 Previously, the shared but unassociated datapools from functional test projects, which were created in the older version of HCL OneTest UI, did not display in the workbench after you opened the projects in the newer version. This problem is fixed.

Previously, when you installed HCL OneTest UI by using InstallAnywhere, the application for Extension for Terminal Applications was not displayed in the Application Configuration Tool dialog. Also, when you clicked the Launch the Extension for Terminal-based Applications icon on the toolbar, an error message was displayed. This problem is fixed.

TP-80677 Previously, if you ran a test that contained Japanese characters in the table data verification points and you switched between different verification points in the unified report, then the report added duplicate rows. This problem is fixed.
TP-80839 Previously, when you ran scripts that referenced data grid verification points with vertical headers, and clicked the test steps in the unified report, the unified report crashed. This problem is fixed.
TP-80893 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine, text_area_control.getProperty("disabled") returned 'false' even when the attribute of the textarea element was set to "disabled" (true).

This problem is fixed.

Now, the function returns the correct value for any of the following attributes in the HTML tag:
  • disabled
  • disabled="disabled"
TP-80938 Previously, when you selected the Running Browser Instance option in HCL OneTest UI, and used Google Chrome to record a Web UI test, the jQuery library was not detected, and the jQuery buttons were identified as standard HTML buttons. This problem is fixed.
TP-81316 Previously, if a step description in the unified report contained special characters such as /n, /r, or /t, then the export of the report to the PDF format failed as these special characters are not supported by the PDFBox framework. This problem is fixed.

Now, the special characters are replaced with an empty string before the export of the report.

TP-81410 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine in the Edge browser, the selection of list items by using the click(atText("text")) event in the combo box or list box failed.

This problem is fixed.

Now, you can use the following events to capture user actions in the combo box or list box:
  • .click(atText("anyText Which is in control"))
  • .select(index_val)
  • .select("anyText which is in control")
TP-81455 Previously, when you ran a functional HTML test by using the Web UI engine and if browser profiles for Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome were not selected in Preferences, then the default profile with specific settings was loaded. The home page that was set on the default profile was displayed before the actual Application Under Test (AUT) was loaded.

This problem is fixed.

Now, if the browser profiles are not selected in Preferences, the test is run on a temporary profile.
TP-81492 Previously, when you tested whether the non-HTML application exists and if this application did not open at that time, then the functional test failed with the ObjectNotFoundException error. Additionally, HCL OneTest UI displayed the following error message in the report: "TopLevelTestObject.exists fails with ObjectNotFoundException"

This problem is fixed.

Now, when you run a test, if the application under test and the associated object are not found, then HCL OneTest UI continues to the next step in the script, and completes the test.
TP-81713 Previously, when you used the Xpath property in the user action details of a Web UI step to identify a control within a frame, a timeout error was displayed. This problem is fixed.
TP-81749 Previously, if a test name contained a comma, then the export of the unified report failed due to the presence of the comma in the file name. This problem is fixed. Now, the comma is replaced with a hyphen in the exported report file name.
TP-81870 Previously, when you ran a functional test by using the Web UI engine in the Edge browser, the browser driver continued to run in the background even after the test failed.

This problem is fixed.

Now, if the test fails, the browser and driver get closed.
TP-82146 Previously, when you started to record a Web UI test or run a Web UI test and if the browser driver was incompatible, HCL OneTest UI prompted you to download the compatible driver by using a link, which did not initiate the download when clicked. This problem is fixed.
TP-82190 Previously, when you ran a functional test, the data verification points captured the JavaScript code along with the data displayed for controls.

This problem is fixed.

Now, if you add the flag "ft.html.text.skipscripttag=true" in the file, which is located in the HCL OneTest UI installation directory, the JavaScript code is filtered out from the result captured by the verification points.

Defects fixed in 10.2.2

ID Description
TP-78267 Previously, when you proceeded to run a Web UI test on a browser that had an incompatible driver on your computer, the test failed to run and you were not able to attempt another test run. Now, when you select a browser to run a Web UI test, you are warned if an incompatible driver is found for the browser and you can only proceed if you download and install the driver that is compatible with the selected browser.
TP-78345 Previously, on Windows, the node js process did not start automatically along with the UI Test Agent on the installation of the product or when you restarted your computer. This issue occurred when the environment variable WEBDRIVER_CHROME_DRIVER_MOBILE was added to the system. This environment variable is used to add the supported Chrome driver while you run a Web UI test on an Android mobile. This problem is fixed.
TP-78810 Previously, when you attempted to install HCL OneTest UI by using Installation Manager on a shell that already had the HCL OneTest Performance Agent installed, the HCL OneTest UI installation failed. This problem is fixed.
TP-79157 When you used the atDescendant API in test scripts to test newer versions of Eclipse, the Eclipse shell might not get recognized correctly. This is because the TableTree controls that were previously deprecated in Eclipse are no longer available in the latest Eclipse versions. Hence, the tool ran into a problem recognizing controls in Eclipse. This problem is fixed. HCL OneTest UI correctly handles the absence of the deprecated class and can recognize controls during the playback of such test scripts.

Defects fixed in 10.2.1

ID Description
TP-78247 SAP test playback is failing with Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: SapGuiController.exe.
TP-77325 Clicking on Apply filter submit button is not navigating to next screen during playback.
TP-77500 Unable to record actions from a specific screen with SVG controls.
TP-76754 Click on radio button controls not getting recorded.
TP-78209 Substituted URL is not displaying in the Report.
TP-75504 Latest ChromeDriver not suppressing certificate validation in Chrome browser.
TP-77603 WebUI cannot reach controls on a custom drop down box
TP-77242 Recording on checkbox captures label control as an image.
TP-78051 An exception occurred while doing Synchronize Changes on Application Details.
TP-78233 In recording, clicking button does not display confirmation dialog.
TP-66432 Eclipse controls are not getting recognized in Ubuntu platform.
TP-77710 Native mobile application crashing during playback.
TP-77751 Unable to record on overlay Keyboard in Native Mobile application.
TP-78154 Data parameterization is not visible in Unified Report for SAP test.
TP-77146 Duplicate steps are getting added for checkbox controls in Chrome.

Defects fixed in 10.2.0

ID Description
TP-75891 Click on Add To Cart button hangs with Processing message.
TP-69399 VUSchedule/AFT 10.1.1: Unable to execute VUSchedule/AFT Suite containing Compound test with dataset mapper.
TP-76402 Recording on a image control is getting generated as step Error: ! undefined object_id 'html.image'.
TP-75386 Navigating to a screen on selecting option through playback is throwing component error.
TP-75388 Unable to retrieve Content of a lightning-formatted-text element.
TP-75567 Edge browser not listing in run wizard for Web UI test playback on Windows server.
TP-76060 Hover action on Chrome web browser is throwing Timeout error.
TP-74767 Playback fails to verify visibility property of a text field control in Firefox.
TP-75167 Unable to select a specific value in dropdown list when similar entries are present.
TP-75471 Unable to add Variable Assignment Step in Web UI Test if that contains an Array Variable.
TP-76373 Windows 10 is listed as Windows 8.1 in Web UI recording start page.
TP-76087 Unable to switch to child window appearing in a browser window - ServiceNow.
TP-76626 Add documentation on need of Oracle JRE for IE enablement.
TP-76062 Documentation needs to be modified on Enabling Apple Safari for Web UI.
TP-75585 Dataset Column Names do not refresh on Select dataset column dialog.
TP-69472 Columns Mapping in Dataset Mapper is not getting refreshed.
TP-76506 Unable to perform actions on Location capture popup appearing in emulator/device.
TP-76384 Unable to recognize Image button and scalable vector graphic with Content.
TP-76966 Generated Executive Summary of Mobile and Web UI Statistical Report throws Bad XML report file error.

Defects fixed in 10.1.3

ID Description
TP-73009 Functional Test script with descriptive code for Checkbox identifies Textbox and Radio buttons in Edge for chromium.
TP-74221 Playback on Edge Chromium web browser throws PropertyNotFoundException while retrieving innerHTML.
TP-73011 While recording with Web UI, cookies URL gets recorded instead of the actual application URL.
TP-72868 Missing Dataset CSV editor supported web browsers details in Functional Test documentation.
TP-71528 Insert Test Object/Verification point/ Test Object inspector do not align with the correct element when using Drag hand selection to the test object.
TP-74222 Descriptive code with .contentText property fails to identify link control in Edge Chromium web browser.
TP-72730 Unable to record Web application pop ups.
TP-74036 HCL OneTest UI - Web UI extension in Chrome displays garbled in Japanese.
TP-72976 Required documentation changes in FT MS Edge browser section.
TP-70399 OOM occurred while playback specific script when checkbox on for "Collect data to update test steps".
TP-74279 Unable to export Unified report to PDF with Web UI test contains variable substitution.
TP-73096 Request to enable 'Record all actions on the page' option by default in preferences.
TP-73128 Test execution stats are getting merged in Unified Test report when compound test is executed.
TP-72686 SAP Fiori: Click on SVG circle control has impact of clicking on a row contains the SVG circle control during playback.
TP-72605 Uninstalling HCL OneTest UI of InstallAnywhere gives fatal error in Japanese OS.
TP-64127 Case Insensitive Regular expression is not working during playback.
TP-74057 Unable to record click action on Submit type buttons.
TP-73496 HCL OneTest UI Extension in Chrome displays garbled in Japanese.
TP-73794 Selected correct Dropdown value during execution in Chrome, but Report shows FAILED for drop down selection.
TP-73634 Unified report goes blank while clicking on table content VP for SWT control.
TP-72726 Hide GUI during execution make the SAP test playback fail on Calendar control.

Defects fixed in 10.1.2

ID Description
TP-70927 Press enter on Edit text throws exception on Windows server.
TP-72534 SAP Test: Run Test executes the script even if we cancel in the Run wizard.
TP-72541 Compound test does not display SAP test on run wizard. It shows only Web UI test script info.
TP-72532 Run wizard pop up twice when executing Compound test which contains SAP test and WebUI testsuite.
TP-72281 Insert Split Point not working as expected while recording of SAP test using extension.
TP-71097 SAP Fiori : Auto scrolling is not working for off-screen span element.
TP-69923 Click/Verify on a Table cell with respect to another table cell position and using Secondary location with index is throwing fatal error.
TP-69528 Custom Javascript fails to gets executed with SAP Fiori application.
TP-69382 Recording on Salesforce lightning site failing to capture few objects correctly causing for playback failures.
TP-69400 Secondary window, which is getting opened in a browser tab is not getting closed even after selecting the option 'Close window at the end of steps.
TP-67125 Multiple steps generated for the single user interaction.
TP-67974 Unable to record user action in data fabrication page on HCL OneTest Server.

Defects fixed in 10.1.1

ID Description
TP-69110 The topic for specifying errors conditions for Web UI tests is broken in the product documentation site.
TP-68622 Click action on a button is not getting captured when you record a Web UI test by using SAP Fiori application.
TP-68547 Operators for IF condition is not working as expected in Web UI tests.
TP-68457 A NullPointerException error is displayed when you move the dataset associated to the Compound Test to a different location and play back the Compound Test.
TP-68319 Unable to enable Google Chrome browser by using the offline add-on file available in theHCL OneTest UI installation directory.
TP-68340 A NullPointerException error is after you subsitute and save a Web UI test with custom java script.
TP-67785 The protocol changes from 'https' to 'http' in the URL of the launch application when you import a Web UI test.
TP-67687 Single click actions on span elements are not recorded in a Web UI test.
TP-67564 Navigation action to zoom in action ( [CTRL] + [+]) displays an error when you insert the action to a Web UI test.
TP-66937 Date selection from a date drop-down list is not getting recorded for a Web UI test.
TP-66936 When you record a web UI test by using the SAP Ariba application, the click on the checkout button is not accepted by the application.
TP-66150 An unwanted dummy column is added to a dataset after recording a test script.

Defects fixed in 10.1.0

ID Description
TP-65250 Unable to run AFT Suite in Jenkins when you configure a node.
TP-64639 When you click the Restore Defaults button for Logging and Tracing in Preferences, the log file path and trace file path changes to the HCL OneTest UI default path.
TP-64724 When you use the Install Anywhere installer to install HCL OneTest UI on Windows 2019 operating systems, a "Flexeraaw7$aaa: Windows DLL failed to load" error is displayed.
TP-60064 When you change the installation directory from the default directory and install HCL OneTest UI, the Maven Project option is not available from the IDE.
TP-66649 When you associate a dataset with a test script and play it back, the overall playback time is increased.
TP-66567 When you play back a Web UI test that opens another application in a new browser window, HCL OneTest UI is unable to recognize controls from the new browser window.
TP-66614 When you record a Web UI test for Pega web application, the actions that you perform on the drop-down list and radio buttons are not getting captured.
TP-63894 When you insert a custom code in a Web UI test, an exception is displayed.
TP-64556 When you record a Web UI test for an application URL, the test generation fails and an error message is displayed.
TP-65274 When you create a new column in a dataset, you are unable to substitute it in another dataset.
TP-65907 In a Functional Test project, you are unable to set the last row as current row in a dataset.
TP-65001 Guided Healing feature does not capture Arabic content in test steps for Web UI tests.