Adding the Google Chrome extension bundled with the product

To perform functional testing in the Google Chrome browser, you must install an extension for the Chrome browser. You can install the extension that is bundled with the product if you do not have access to the internet connection.


  1. Go to the folder where the product is installed and follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to the following path: FunctionalTester/bin/enabler.
    2. Extract the DTUIChromeExtension.crx file to the local directory.
  2. Perform following steps in the Google Chrome browser:
    1. At the top right corner, click More > Extensions.
    2. Turn on the Developer Mode.
    3. Click the Load Unpacked button to browse and select the folder that you extracted.
  3. Click Add to Chrome.


The Google Chrome extension is added to the Google Chrome browser, and the browser is enabled for functional testing.