Creating a command-line config file

Starting from 10.0.2, you can create command line config file from the product, which you can use while running tests from the command-line interface and Maven.

Before you begin

You must have performed the following tasks:

  • Created test assets in a workspace.
  • Installed Maven if you are running tests from the Maven build.

For information about creating tests and installing Maven, see related links.

About this task

Previously, you created the config file manually by adding parameters to it for running the tests by using the config file from the command line. Now, you can create a command-line config file from the product by right-clicking the test asset. The required parameters are automatically assigned, and you can specify any optional parameters, while creating the config file. You can use this config file to run the tests from the command-line interface and Maven plug-in that is provided with the product as part of Maven build.


  1. In the Test Navigator, browse and select the test.
  2. Right-click the test, and then click Create command line config file.
  3. In the Create New Config File window, enter a name for the new configuration file and then click Next.
  4. Perform the following sub-steps in the Command Line Arguments window:
    1. Select the format of the config file from the following options:
      • Regular – Use this format to run tests from the command-line interface.
      • Maven – Use this format to run tests from the Maven build.
    2. If you want to add more parameters to a config file, specify the values in the fields from the available configuration options.
  5. Click Finish.


The Config file created dialog displays the location of the config file.

What to do next

You must complete the following steps:

  1. Close the product.
  2. Run a test by using the config file either from the command-line interface or from the Maven build.