Using a keyboard shortcut to record an application instance

If you want to capture only the actions that you perform on a specific application instance during the recording of a test script, you can use a keyboard shortcut to enable that application instance to be recorded. The recording monitor then captures only the actions that you perform on the application that you enabled by using the keyboard shortcut.


  1. Go to Window > Preferences > Functional Test in Test UI.
    The Type StartApp key combination field is enabled by default. The default keyboard shortcut to enable an application instance to be recorded is left Ctrl+ right Shift. You can change the default keyboard shortcut by completing the following steps:
    1. Clear the Use default check box for the Type StartApp key combination field.
    2. Enter a keyboard shortcut in the Type StartApp key combination field.
      You can use only the following keyboard shortcuts to enable an application instance to be recorded when you record a test script:
      • Left Ctrl + right Shift
      • Left Ctrl + any alphabet key
    3. Click Apply.

      You have modified the default keyboard shortcut. You must use this keyboard shortcut to enable an application instance to be recorded.

  2. Select the Functional Test perspective.
  3. Click the Record a Functional Test Script record icon icon from the Test UI toolbar.
    The Record a DevOps Test UI script dialog is displayed.
  4. Complete the fields to record a test script and click Finish.
    The recording monitor window opens.
  5. Click the instance of the application that you want to record and then press the keyboard shortcut that you created.
    The application is enabled to be recorded, and the following message is displayed in the recording monitor:
    <application name> application added successfully

    The recording of the test script captures only the actions that you perform on the enabled application instance. All actions that you perform on any other application instances are not captured.

What to do next

You can perform the actions for the enabled application instance and complete the recording.