Keyword View

The HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) Keyword View displays the keywords. This view is displayed in the right pane of the Functional Test perspective.

The following menu options are available when you right-click a keyword in the keyword view:
Refresh Steps
Lists the steps associated with a keyword.
Record Test
Records a functional test script for the selected keyword.
Associate Test
Associates a functional test script with the keyword. Multiple functional test scripts can be associated with a keyword.
Show Associated Tests
Shows all the functional test scripts associated with a keyword.

To view the keyword list:

  • If the Keyword View is not displayed in the Functional Test perspective, click Window > Show View. Select Keyword View from the list and click OK.

To select a project area:

  • To select a project, click ProjectArea list. Only keywords pertaining to the selected project area are displayed.