Object properties

When you record Web UI tests on an application under test (AUT), HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) captures the properties of objects in the AUT. Capturing accurate object properties is crucial for a successful test playback. Object properties are important to locate and interact with objects in the application during the test playback.

Object properties are automatically captured during test recording and are displayed in the read-only mode within the Properties table in the UI Test view. Also, when you select a step in the recorded test, the User Action Details panel displays the object properties that are associated with the action performed. During the test playback, Test UI compares the captured properties and related actions of objects in the test with the objects that are displayed in the AUT, and then tries to identify the objects.

Note: The object properties are different for Android, iOS, or Web UI applications.

For Web UI tests, the Object Identified by option in the User Action Details panel is comprised of three parameters: object property, operator, and property value. The common object identifiers include Content, Class, Id, Xpath. You can modify these parameters, or other properties that are displayed in the User Action Details panel to identify the objects during the playback. See Modifying the property used to identify an object in a test script.

The following screen capture displays a selected step with the corresponding object property, operator, and property value:
Test editor displaying a selected step with corresponding object property, operator, and property value
The following screen capture displays the SmartShot view of the selected step and the corresponding Properties table:
SmartShot view of the selected step and the corresponding Properties table

However, some AUTs use custom attributes to describe properties for UI controls. You can add the custom attributes to a list of preferred identifiers and prioritize them so that they are recognized as the main object identifiers in the application under test. See Specifying the properties used for UI controls.

Object properties play an important role in Test UI to accurately identify and interact with objects during the test playback. By understanding how to modify and enhance these properties, you can optimize your test scripts and ensure accurate object identification.