Examples you can use

This proxy sample explains how to extend a proxy to add more properties, set up a simple value class and value manager, and extend the recording behavior of HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI).

Extended Capabilities : Adding more properties

This proxy sample extends the proxy methods public java.util.Hashtable getProperties() and public Object getProperty(String propertyName) to add a new property simpleValue.
Note: It is not mandatory to have value classes and value managers for all additional properties.

Set up a simple value class and value manager

This proxy sample returns a user-defined data type (value class and value manager) as a return value for the property simpleValue.

Extend the record capability

This proxy sample extends the public void processSingleMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) method to extend the recording behavior so that single clicks are recorded as doubleclick() methods and double-clicks are recorded as click() methods.

Deploy the binary files

Copy the ButtonOverrideProxy.jar and ButtonOverrideProxy.rftcust files to the customization directory and then restart Test UI to test the sample application-under-test (AUT).

Verify the added property and value class

You can test the java.awt.Button and javx.swt.JButton controls, provided as part of the AWTButtonApp and JButtonApp AUTs.
  • Before you deploy the proxies, run testObject().getProperty("simpleValue"). This throws the error message, simpleValue is not a valid property.
  • After you deploy the proxies, run testObject().getProperty("simpleValue"). This returns the value, FuBar.

Verify the recording behavior

  • Before you deploy the proxies, the java.awt.Button records single-clicks as button.click() and double-clicks as button.doubleClick().
  • After you deploy the proxies, the java.awt.Button records single-clicks as button.doubleClick() and double-clicks as button.Click(). The click() and doubleClick() methods are swapped.