Mapping keyboard shortcut keys

You can map keyboard shortcut keys in HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) by assigning a shortcut key to a command. You can change the shortcut key for menu items.

About this task

Before you can map a keyboard shortcut key, you must know the internal command name for the menu item. To find the internal command name, see Keyboard Shortcuts and jot down the internal command name for the menu item for later use in mapping a keyboard shortcut key.

To map a keyboard shortcut key:


  1. Click Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard.
  2. In the Show Commands Containing field, type the internal command name for the toolbar button or menu item. For example, File.AddScriptUsingRecord.
  3. In the Press shortcut key(s) field, type the shortcut key combination you want to assign. For example, press Shift+Backspace.
  4. Click Assign.
  5. Click Yes to save the keyboard scheme.
  6. Type a name for the keyboard scheme. For example, Test UI. Click OK.
  7. Click OK.
    Note: The new keyboard shortcut key does not take effect immediately for the toolbar button or menu item. After you close the Preferences , the change will take effect.