Responsive design condition

Applications that use the Responsive Design feature introduce variability into their screens. This variability can result in test failures due to factors such as changing screen layouts, the presence of user-specific interactions such as location prompts or tutorials, and so on.

To overcome test failures that are caused by Responsive Design elements, you can define execution conditions for a selected set of actions in HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI). This allows you to specify blocks of actions that are executed only during the initial run of the test. The block of actions is ignored on subsequent test runs, therefore preventing step failures.

Note: The Responsive Design condition feature is currently available for Android applications in Test UI version 8.7.1 only.

To summarize, the Responsive Design feature is found in many applications where the behavior and visual elements adapt to the device that is used. You can create Responsive design conditions in an Test UI test to avoid test failures. See Creating Responsive Design conditions in a test.