Before you record

Before you can start recording functional test scripts, perform the following setup and configuration tasks:

  • Create a functional test project. For an overview, see the related topic on Functional Test projects.
    Note: If you are part of a team, and the team already has a project set up, consider connecting to the existing project, instead of creating a new one. For more information, see the related topic on Connecting to a Functional Test project.
  • Enable your browsers, Java environments and Eclipse platforms using the enabler.

    HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) automatically enables the environments for functional testing. As a result, you can directly record functional test scripts without enabling components manually. The automatic enablement takes place under certain conditions and has limitations. For more information about the conditions and limitations, see Automatically enabled environment for functional testing.

    If required, you can manually enable or disable a browser, JRE or Eclipse platform, in the Enable Environments dialog (the enabler).

  • Configure the application for testing. See Configuring Applications for Testing.