Functional test logs

After the playback is complete, you can view the results in the log. The results include any logged events such as verification point failures, script exceptions, object recognition warnings, and any additional playback information.

You can view Functional Test logs by setting the preferences in Logging page .

Types of logs

You can use different types of Functional Test logs to view your playback results. These logs contain the same information in different formats. For more information, see Logging page.

Location of logs

When you set the log type to HTML or Text, HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) stores these logs in a log folder in the same location as the Functional Test project, but not in the Functional Test project. The name of the log folder is the project name with a suffix of _logs. For example, if your Functional Test project is CalendarApp, Test UI stores its HTML or text logs in the CalendarApp_logs directory. You can open these logs from Test UI in the Projects view. If you select HTML, your default browser opens the HTML log file. If you select Text, the text log file opens in the Functional Test script window.

In the Projects view, the HTML and text logs are listed within each project. Each script in the project has its own node in the logs directory. You can right-click the script log node to open, rename, delete, import, export, or view any logs or verification points.

To set the product to open the HTML and XML logs in a web browser, use the following commands:
  • Internet Explorer :
  • Mozilla Firefox:
  • Google Chrome:
    assoc .html=ChromeHTML

Managing logs

You can use the Projects view to manage HTML or text logs. The logs appear below the project directory. Each script in the project has its own node under the logs directory. You can select a log and right-click Open Log, Final Screen Snapshot, Delete, or Rename. If your script has a verification point, you can select the log and open it in the Verification Point Editor by clicking Open VP, or open it in the Verification Point Comparator by clicking Open Comparator.

You can view the results of a verification point from the HTML log. At the end of each verification point entry in the HTML log is a View Results link. You should click this to open that verification point in the Verification Point Comparator. If the verification point fails, the baseline and actual files are shown beside one another which allows you to compare the data. If you receive an error about the Java plug-in while trying to start the Comparator, you must verify whether your plug-in is configured properly. For instructions, see Enabling the Java Plug-in of a Browser.