Rational® Quality Manager script arguments

You can pass arguments from IBM® Rational® Quality Manager while running an IBM® Rational® Functional Tester script.

You can pass the following types of arguments while running functional test scripts from Rational® Quality Manager:
  • Script arguments: These arguments are available to a script writer within the script as arguments to the testMain() method.
  • Execution arguments: These arguments govern playback. If Rational® Functional Tester test scripts that run from Rational® Quality Manager have a dependency on a third-party library, you must consider the following points:
    • You must use the -projectpath or -classpath command line argument to specify a third-party library. For example: -projectpath C:\temp\myjar.jar. See Command line interface.
      Note: Command line arguments such as -enable, -inspector, or -appconfig that are not applicable for Rational® Quality Manager is not considered during playback.
    • You can pass java properties along with execution arguments. For example, -Dmyprop=value. You can also pass multiple java properties that are separated by space along with execution arguments. For example, -Dmyprop1=value1 -Dmyprop2=value2 -projectpath C:\tmp\myjar.jar.

  • dataset iteration: If there is a dataset associated with a script, you can pass the number of times the scripts must run by accessing records from the dataset.
Additionally, you can pass execution task details of Rational® Quality Manager to a functional test script so that information about the Rational® Quality Manager test cases is accessed during script execution.

To access execution task details within the testMain() method in a functional test script, you must provide the path to the XML file that describes the Rational® Quality Manager execution task.

In the functional test script, you must add String path = System.getProperty("rqm.task") to get the path of the XML file.

Note: The details Rational® Quality Manager that you pass using this method are specific and local to the script. If you want to specify details from the Rational® Quality Manager test script, test case, or test suite levels, you use execution variables. See IBM Engineering Test Management execution variables.