Viewing or transforming GWT encoded data

When you record an application that is developed on Google Web Toolkit(GWT), the recorded data is encoded. To view the encoded data, open the test editor. You can also transform the encoded data into XML format, which you can use for data correlation.

Before you begin

  • Record an application that is based on GWT. For supported GWT versions, see System Requirements for DevOps Test Performance 2024.06 (11.0.2).
  • You must have access to the classes that contain the exchanged objects.
  • You must add the JAR file that contains the classes that are serialized and exchanged between client and server to your project. To add the JAR file, in the Test Navigator view, right-click the project, click Properties, and, on the Library tab add the JAR file.


  1. To view the encoded data, in the Test Navigator, browse to the test, and double-click it.
  2. Select a test element or request that contains the encoded data.
    The Content field in the Test Element Details area contains the encoded data.
  3. To transform the encoded data, click Edit > Re-correlate test and transform data.
  4. Confirm that the Apply data transformation check box is selected and select Convert GWT RPC to XML.
  5. Optional: To use data correlation after the transformation is successful, select the Apply corresponding data correlation rules check box.
  6. Click Finish.
    The encoded data transforms into XML format.