Converting JMeter tests to VU schedule

You can convert a JMeter test to a VU schedule to load and test the performance of an application under test.

About this task

Test Performance analyzes the selected JMeter test to add the number of users and loop iteration count in the VU schedule. When you convert the JMeter test to a VU schedule, the following events occur:

  • The load information identified within the Thread Group nodes from the original JMeter test is examined to build a new VU schedule.

  • The content of each Thread Group node is extracted from the original JMeter test and copied into a new JMeter test.

  • The new JMeter test is then invoked by the VU schedule as an external test.

    Note: The extracted JMeter test does not contain any load information such as the number of users and loop count, because the VU schedule manages all the information.
  • The content of the original Thread Group is not considered during the conversion process. Therefore, if there are any loops in the JMeter Thread Group, those cannot convert into a loop element in the new VU schedule.

  • If you have a JMeter test with more than one Thread Group node, each Thread Group is extracted to separate the JMeter test.

  • If you have a complex JMeter test, you must extract the functionalities that are included in the Modules or Include controllers into another JMeter tests. You must then add those JMeter tests to a VU schedule to run it.


  1. Browse and select the JMeter test from the Test Navigator.
  2. Right-click the selected test, and then click Convert to VU Schedule.
  3. Verify that the name of the schedule is same as name of the JMeter test.
  4. Click Finish.
    The schedule editor opens.

What to do next

You must perform the following tasks: