Configuring licenses by using a Local License Server

You might not be able to connect your computer to the internet due to certain restrictions. In such cases, you can configure a Local License Server (LLS) behind a firewall to use Test Performance.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

  • Installed and started the LLS. For more information, refer to the HCL Software License & Download portal documentation.

  • Imported a self-signed certificate into Java key store if you installed the LLS by using the self-signed certificate and used an HTTPS protocol to check out licenses from the LLS.

    Note: You can run the following commands to import the certificate into Java key store:
    cd <install_dir>\HCL\DevOpsTest\jdk\bin
    keytool -printcert -sslserver <LLS_host>:<LLS_port> -rfc | keytool -import -noprompt -alias hclfnls -keystore "<install_dir>\HCL\DevOpsTest\jdk\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit
    You must replace <LLS_host> and <LLS_port> with the hostname and port number of the LLS.
    Important: If you used an HTTP protocol to check out licenses from the LLS, you do not require to import the self-signed certificate.
  • Mapped entitlements of software with the LLS to serve your requests. For more information, refer to the HCL Software License & Download portal documentation.


  1. Open Test Performance.
  2. Click Windows > Preferences > Test > HCL Licensing.
  3. Select the Server Type as Local.
  4. Replace the URL of the cloud-based License Server with the URL of your LLS in the Server URL field.
    Remember: You must enter the URL of the LLS in the following format:


  5. Click Test Connection to verify the connection to the LLS.
  6. Click Apply to configure the license.


You have configured the license to use Test Performance. The HCL Licensing dialog displays the following information:
  • The number of Virtual Users (VUs)

  • The number of VU Execution hours

  • The number of floating licenses

What to do next

You can work with Test Performance.