Accessing reports remotely

Before executing a schedule or test, you can enable an option so that you can access reports remotely from a web browser. When you make changes to a report, the changes are saved to the workspace where the workbench is running.


  1. Open Test Performance
  2. Click Windows > Preferences > Test > Performance Test Reports > Web Reports.
  3. Select the Allow remote access from a web browser checkbox to enable remote access to reports.
  4. Select the Allow control of schedule execution from the web browser checkbox to enable the remote control of schedule execution tasks.
  5. Optional: Enter the port number in the Secure port field if the default port number is used by another service.
    The default secure port number for web reports is 8443.
  6. Select the User aunthentication is required to access reports checkbox to provide security for web reports.
  7. Enter the crendetials in the Username and Password fields.
    Note: You must use the same login credentials to access reports remotely.
  8. Optional: Select the Also enable non-secured access checkbox to access the web reports by anyone who has the URL of web report.
  9. Optional: Enter the port number in the Non-secure port field if the default port number is used by another service.
    The default non-secure port number for web reports is 8080.
  10. Click Apply.


You have accessed reports remotely.

What to do next

The URL of the web reports is displayed in the Reports will be available at section. You can click Copy and paste the URL http://host_name:8080/analytics/web/index.html in a web browser to access it. To access a secured report, you must specify the login credentials that you have set in the preference of Test Performance.