Installing the product in the console mode on Linux

To install the product on Ubuntu and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating systems where GUI mode is not supported, you can use the console-mode installation method.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

In console mode, the installation process is an interactive and text-based. You can install the product in the console mode only on the Ubuntu and RHEL operating systems.

You can use the stand-alone installer and the product in your preferred language. The display language of your computer is selected as the preferred language of the stand-alone installer. For example, if the display language of your computer is set as French, then the preferred language of the stand-alone installer is also selected as French.

You can change the language of the stand-alone installer and the product by providing the appropriate number during the installation of the product.

The following languages are displayed in the drop-down list based on the display language of your computer:
List of preferred languages that are displayed in the drop-down list based on the display language of your computer
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese Brazil
  • Simplified Chinese
  • English
  • Traditional Chinese
  • English
  • Japanese
  • English
  • Czech
  • English
  • Hungarian
  • Polish
  • Korean
  • English
  • Turkish
  • English
  • Russian
  • English
For example, if the display language of your computer is Japanese, then the drop-down list shows Japanese and English as the preferred languages.


  1. Download the product installer from the HCL® License & Delivery portal.

    You must download the appropriate product variant, version, and architecture based on your requirements.

    Note: When you want to install both Test UI and Test Performance on your computer, you can install the products by using a single shell-shared HCL DevOps Test UI and Test Performance package for the 64-bit platform that is available in the HCL® License & Delivery portal.

    On the 32-bit platform, you must use separate packages of Test UI and Test Performance to install in the shell-shared mode by using Installation Manager.

  2. Open the terminal and log in as a root user.
  3. Run the following command to change the directory from root to the directory where you downloaded the installer zip file:
    cd <path of the downloaded folder>

    For example, cd Downloads/

  4. Run the following command to extract the downloaded zip file:
    unzip <product package name>

    For example, unzip

  5. Run the following command to begin the installation process:
    ./<installer_name.bin> -i console

    For example, ./DevOps-Test-Performance-Linux-x64-v11.0.0.0.bin -i console

    The command-line interface displays the list of preferred languages based on the display language that is set on your computer.

    Note: To identify the display language of your computer, the command-line interface displays an arrow mark (->) that precedes the name of the language.
  6. Enter a number to select your preferred language, and then Enter.
    The installation instructions are displayed in your preferred language.
  7. Review the license agreement and perform the following actions:
    • Read the license agreement by pressing any key along with the Enter key to continue reading the license agreement.

    • At any time, press 0 (zero) along with the Enter key to go to the end of the license agreement.

    • After you read the license agreement, enter Y to accept the license agreement and continue with the installation.

    Note: You can type N if you want to cancel the installation.
  8. Provide the path where you want to install the product and perform the following steps:
    1. Press Enter to install the product in the default path: /opt/HCL.
    2. Enter the complete path of the directory and press Enter to install the product in the new directory path.
    Note: You can type Back and press Enter to go to the previous step if you want to modify your inputs during the installation process.
  9. Review the pre-installation summary, and then press Enter to continue with the installation process.
  10. Press Enter to exit the installer.
    Note: If the installation of the product is not successful, you can check the errors that occurred during the installation in the log file. The log file is available at the location: /opt/HCL/Logs.


You have installed the product on your computer.

What to do next

You must enter the license key when you open the product. See License management.