Configuring an environment for batch input tests

To play back the SAP batch input tests, you must configure the environment by installing the SAP Java Connector (JCo) libraries provided by the SAP administrator on local and remote computers where the HCL DevOps Test Performance Agent (Test Performance Agent) is running.

Before you begin

  • You must have downloaded the following files provided by the SAP administrator:
    • sapjco3.jar
    • sapjco3.dll

    For more information about downloading the SAP files, refer to the SAP portal.

    Note: You must have verified that the Microsoft® Visual Studio 2013 C/C++ runtime libraries are installed on your computer. If the runtime libraries are not present in your computer, then you must download and install the latest version of the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package from Microsoft Download Center, depending on the Windows operating system (For example, Windows 32-bit or Windows 64-bit). For more information about the redistributable packages, refer to the Microsoft support portal.
  • You must have performed the following actions on each local and remote computer that is used for running the batch input tests and schedules:
    • Prepared an environment with the libraries that you have downloaded from the SAP portal.
    • Set the class path of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to a value that is used by Test Performance Agent.


  1. Copy sapjco3.jar and sapjco3.dll into the jre/lib/ext directory of the JRE.

    The default directory is: C:\Program Files\HCL\DevOps\jdk\jre\lib\ext.

    Note: Alternatively, sapjco3.dll can be copied into the Windows system directory. Refer SAP portal <use existing link for SAP Portal> to identify the path.
  2. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, and then stop and restart the Majordomo service, if you are using an Test Performance Agent.


The environment for the SAP batch input test is configured and as a result, the SAP Batch Input Recording option is available for selection on the Select Client Application page.

What to do next

After the configuration is complete, you can then select the SAP Batch Input Recording option, and runs a SAP batch input test. You can then verify the test results from the Batch Input Transaction Rate page of the SAP performance report. You can also view the Test Log page to verify the SAP connection and transaction execution information.