Preparing to record a test for the HTTP/2 protocol

To collect the performance data of an application that supports HTTP/2 protocol, record a test against the HTTP/2 application. Before recording the HTTP/2 application, follow the procedure in this topic to configure your computer.

About this task

This configuration is required because this feature is released as Beta and is intended for the non-production use.


  1. Download the following Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) boot jar file
  2. Create or rename the productInstallDir\jdk folder to ..\ You can rename the folder back to jdk later to test with Java.
  3. Download Oracle Java 1.8.0u92 from You can then either extract the compressed file or install Java at productInstallDir\jdk.
  4. Copy the ALPN jar file to productInstallDir\majordomo\lib.
  5. From productInstallDir, open eclipse.ini and add the following flags:
    Note: If there are any other flag starting with -X, delete those flags.
  6. Configure Test Performance Agent to use Oracle Java.
    1. Stop the Majordomo process.

      On Windows systems, run the following command: cd c:\program files\hcl\DevOpsTest\majordomo ngastop

      On Linux systems, run the following command: cd /opt/HCL/DevOpsTest/Majordomo ./

    2. Set the environment variable RPT_JAVA to the Oracle Java binary or executable.

      On Windows systems, run the following command: set RPT_JAVA=c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0_92\bin\java.exe

      On Linux systems, run the following command: export RPT_JAVA=/root/jdk1.8.0_92/jre/bin/java

    3. Start the Majordomo process.

What to do next

You can now record a test for the HTTP/2 application. After the recording, in the Version field of request details, the requests are marked with HTTP/2 indicating that the HTTP/2 traffic is captured. If the test playback fails, check if all the steps are correctly followed.