Preparing to record a test for the HTTP/2 service

To test a web service that is based on the HTTP/2 protocol, record a test by using the SOA extension of HCL DevOps Test Performance (Test Performance). Before recording the HTTP/2 service, follow the procedure in this topic to configure your computer.

About this task

This configuration is required because this feature is released as Beta and is intended for use in a non-production environment only.

Use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome when recording on servers that support the HTTP/2 service.


  1. Download the following Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) boot jar file
  2. Create or rename the productInstallDir\jdk folder to ..\ You can rename the folder back to jdk later to test with the IBM JDK.
  3. Download Oracle Java 1.8.0u92 from You can then either extract the compressed file or install Java at productInstallDir\jdk.
  4. Copy the ALPN jar file to productInstallDir\majordomo\lib.
  5. From productInstallDir, open eclipse.ini and add the following flags:
    Note: If there are any other flags starting with -X, delete those flags.
  6. Configure Test Performance Agent to use Oracle Java.
    1. Stop the Majordomo process.

      On Windows systems, run the following command: cd “c:\program files\hcl\devopstest\majordomo�? ngastop

      On Linux systems, run the following command: cd /opt/HCL/devopstest/Majordomo ./

    2. Set the environment variable RPT_JAVA to the Oracle Java binary or executable file.

      On Windows systems, run the following command: set RPT_JAVA=c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0_92\bin\java.exe

      On Linux systems, run the following command: export RPT_JAVA=/root/jdk1.8.0_92/jre/bin/java

    3. Start the Majordomo process.
  7. When you record a service by using a web browser against an HTTP/2 client, the HTTP/2 traffic is automatically captured. But, to record an HTTP/2 service by using the GSC client, in the HTTP transport protocol configuration dialog, you must select the Activate check box.HTTP protocol configuration
  8. Specify the following configuration options for HTTP/2:
    Note: Testing HTTP/2 service is in the Beta mode. For more information, see Preparing to record a HTTP/2 service.
    To test a service that uses the HTTP/2 protocol, select the Activate check box. This check box is automatically selected when you record a service by using a browser. If you use the Generic Service Client component to create a HTTP/2 test, you have to manually select the check box.
    HTTP/2 client connection timeout
    Specifies the time limit for the HTTP/2 client to connect to the HTTP/2 server.
    Time out for the HTTP/2 session creations
    Specifies the time limit to create the HTTP/2 session. This time starts after the connection is established.
    Enable HTTP/2 Push
    The Push functionality of HTTP/2 automatically identifies and passes the related objects or requests to the client when a request is sent to the server. Clear the check box to not use the functionality.
    Initial session window
    Specifies the buffer size on the sessions.
    Initial stream window
    Specifies the window size for buffer on each stream after the connection is established.
    HTTP/2 Client Input Buffer Size
    Specifies the buffer size that is used to read the network traffic.
    Maximum Quantity of Messages that can be queued
    Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be queued for the HTTP/2 client on a thread.
    Maximum Quantity of HTTP/2 thread pool
    Specifies the maximum number of thread pools that will be used by the HTTP/2 client to distribute the workload.
    Minimum Quantity of HTTP/2 thread pool
    Specifies the minimum number of thread pools that will be used by the HTTP/2 client to distribute the workload.
    HTTP/2 client bytebuffer pool size
    Specifies the buffer size to receive the unciphered values.
    Server Name Indication
    Note: Not applicable for HTTP/2.
    Clear this check box if you do not want to connect to the host computer by using the Server Name Indication protocol. If the host computer is already configured with Server Name Indication protocol, you should keep this check box selected.
    Use HTTP Keep Alive
    Select this option to keep the HTTP connection open after the request.
    Use SSL
    Select this option to use an SSL configuration. Click Configure SSL to create an SSL configuration or select an existing configuration.
    Platform Authentication
    In this section, specify the type of authentication that is required to access the service. Select None if no authentication is required.
    Basic HTTP authentication
    Select this option to specify the User Name and Password that are used for basic authentication.
    NTLM authentication
    Note: Not applicable for HTTP/2.
    Select this option to use the Microsoft NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication protocol. NTLM uses challenge-response authentication. This view lists what is negotiated (supported by the client and requested of the server) and what is authenticated (the client reply to the challenge from the server).
    Kerberos authentication
    Note: Not applicable for HTTP/2.
    Select this option to use the Kerberos authentication protocol between the client and server.
    Connect through proxy server
    Note: Not applicable for HTTP/2.
    If the HTTP connection needs to go through a proxy server or a corporate firewall, specify the Address and Port of the proxy server. If the proxy requires authentication, select either Basic proxy authentication or NTLM proxy authentication.
    Proxy authentication
    In this section, specify the type of authentication that is required to access the proxy. Select None if no authentication is required.
    Basic proxy authentication
    Select this option to specify the User Name and Password that are used for basic authentication.
    NTLM proxy authentication
    Select this option to use the Microsoft NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication protocol. NTLM uses challenge-response authentication. This view lists what is negotiated (supported by the client and requested of the server) and what is authenticated (the client reply to the challenge from the server).
    Custom class
    Note: Not applicable for HTTP/2.
    Select this option if the communication protocol requires complex, low-level processing with a custom Java code to transform incoming or outgoing messages. Click Browse to select a Java class that uses the corresponding API.
  9. Click OK. You have configured the workbench to test an HTTP/2 service.

What to do next

You can now record a regular SOA test for the HTTP/2 service. After the recording, in the Version field of request details, the requests are marked with HTTP/2 indicating that the HTTP/2 traffic is captured. If the test playback fails, check if all the steps are correctly followed.