Lesson 1.1: Recording a Citrix performance test

In this lesson, you learn how to create a test project and record user actions in Citrix XenApp.

About this task

The most convenient way to create a new test in Test Performance is to record a Citrix session. The recording contains mouse and key strokes as user input actions and window events as responses from the Citrix server.

Because of the way the recorder works, consider these issues during the recording:
  • Set up your application so that all actions are repeatable. For example, turn off "tips of the day," ensure that any file already existswarnings are consistent, and avoid using dynamic menu items such as recent documents.
  • Ensure that mouse movements are clearly decomposed. The recorder does not record mouse wheel scrolls.
  • Use specific Microsoft® Windows® accounts for performance testing that have limited potential for data loss if there are errors or synchronization failures during the test run.
For more Citrix recording tips, see Citrix performance testing guidelines.

The recorder synchronizes user actions and window events automatically so that the generated test waits for a window event before triggering the next user input. In some cases, however, you must manually add synchronizations. For example, add synchronizations when screen updates do not result directly from a user action. These synchronizations tell the test to wait for a specific window, text, or graphic to open on the screen before running the next user input.

See video