Public APIs for LTBM

The load test behavior model (LTBM) contains multiple packages. Each package contains the interfaces that define the LTBM. In addition, each package has a corresponding implementation package that contains the implementation classes for these interfaces.

The extensions will either use or extend the implemented classes from LTBM while having access only to the methods defined in the corresponding interfaces. The following packages are part of LTBM:

The implementation classes are contained in the corresponding implementation packages, such as,, and

Each of these packages also contains factory classes that enable you to create a model element from that package. For best results, use the factory classes to create model elements. For example, to create a loop, use this method:LTTestFactory.eINSTANCE.createCBLoop()

The LTBM provides common constructs that can be reused by protocol extensions. These constructs are included in various packages in the LTBM. The Javadoc information explains each available interface in more detail.

The Javadoc for the test execution services interfaces and classes can be accessed from the product by clicking Help > Help ContentsHCL OneTest Performance API Reference.