Stubbing settings for RabbitMQ transport

You can specify the stubbing settings depending on the Message Exchange Pattern defined for the RabbitMQ transport.


  1. To create a stub, you must have an operation defined with the corresponding transport. See Creating an operation.
  2. By using the Stub tab on the corresponding operation, specify the stubbing settings used to create a Stub using MEP menu item from Test Factory perspective.
    Image of the Stub panel from Test Factory perspective.
  3. Depending on Message Exchange Pattern defined for the operation for example, Publish/Subscribe, Publish, Subscribe, Request or Reply, the Stub panel is defined with different sub-panels. In these panels select RabbitMQ as the transport and then update the corresponding RabbitMQ settings.
    For example, the following screens show the settings for a Publish/Subscribe scenario:image of the operation screen showing the consumer settings.

    You can change the Consumer Settings that were defined for the RabbitMQ transport.

  4. Change the Consumer Settings fields in the Subscribe panel for the following fields:
    1. Enter the proxy queue that is used by the stub as input, the one which will be listened by the stub in the Queue Name field.
    2. Enter the exchange name to which the queue is bound to by using the routing key (if this is required) in the Exchange Name field.
    3. Enter the routing key value to be used if this is required in the Routing Key field.
    4. Select any of the following options:
      Option Description


      This option enables this Exchange to be created dynamically or use the one that already exists.

      Passive Declaration

      This option enables the API to check if this Exchange object already exists and display an error if the object does not exist.


      This option specifies the Exchange to be a durable Exchange as defined by the RabbitMQ specification.

      Auto Delete

      This option specifies the Exchange to be an auto-deleted Exchange as defined by the RabbitMQ specification.


      This option specifies the Exchange to be an exclusive Exchange as defined by the RabbitMQ specification.

    5. Enter the ID for the message in the Message ID field in the Reply Correlation Settings section.
    6. Enter the correlation ID in the Correlation ID field in the Reply Correlation Settings section.
      No change is required by you in the Default Timeout section that contains common settings for stub replies. The response time is managed by the stubs execution engine in HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs).
    You can change the Producer Settings under the Publish tab that were defined for the RabbitMQ transport, as shown in the following screen. image of the operation screen showing the producer settings.
  5. Change the Producer Settings fields in the Publish panel for the following fields:
    1. Enter the exchange name to be used for the publication in the Exchange Name field.
      This exchange corresponds to the exchange to which queues are supposed to be bound using the routing key.
    2. Select Exchange Type from the list.
      Select from the following options:
      • Direct
      • Fanout
      • Topic
      • Header
    3. Enter the routing key value to be used in the Routing Key field.
      When the default direct exchange type is selected, this routing key by convention would correspond to a queue name.
    4. Select any of the following options:
      Option Description


      This option enables this Exchange to be created dynamically or use the one that already exists.

      Passive Declaration

      This option enables the API to check if this Exchange object already exists and display an error if the object does not exist.


      This option specifies the Exchange to be a durable Exchange as defined by the RabbitMQ specification.

      Auto Delete

      This option specifies the Exchange to be an auto-deleted Exchange as defined by the RabbitMQ specification.

    5. Select from the following publishing options in the Publish Flags section:
      Option Description


      This option enables the broker to double-check that the message is routed to queues. When the mandatory field is not selected, the broker silently drops the message if it cannot be routed.


      This option enables the broker to immediately deliver the message to the consumer which can receive the message.

    6. You do not have to change the Default Timeout section that contains common settings for stub replies. The response time is managed by the stubs execution engine in Test Integrations and APIs.
  6. Add a header to a message by clicking the Headers tab and entering appropriate values in the fields.
  7. Add a property to the message by clicking the Properties tab and entering appropriate values in the fields.