Adding a synchronization source

You can add any of the available synchronization sources to automatically create the resources that are required for testing the API that the definition describes.

About this task

Most of the steps involved in adding a synchronization source are the same no matter what type of sync source you add. Those steps are described in the current topic. Steps that are unique to a particular sync source type are described in individual topics. Links to those topics can be found in step 2.


  1. Open the Synchronization view of the Architecture School perspective.
  2. Open the Create a new Synchronization Source wizard. Choose the Type of sync source and provide the information unique to that sync source.
  3. Complete the remaining fields on the first page of the Create a new Synchronization Source wizard.
    1. Only environments associated with the current project are displayed in the list for the Environment field. If you enter a new name, a new environment is created with that name for the current project.
    2. If you want to specify a name, component location, or synchronization option for the new sync source, select the Show advanced options check box. Those options are displayed on the second page of the wizard.
    3. Click one of the following options:
      If you chose to show advanced options, go to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 5.
      If you want to create the synchronization source with default values. The sync source takes its name from the source file name. All operations in the definition are added to the model. No tests or stubs are created for the operations in the sync source definition.
  4. Complete the advanced option page of the wizard.
    The following screen capture shows a Swagger definition, but the UI is the same for other sync sources.
    The second page of the wizard shows advanced options
    1. Optional: Enter a name for the synchronization source in the Name field.
    2. Select one of the following options:
      Create a new Component
      A component is created with the name that is displayed in the Name field.
      Select an existing Component
      Click a component name in the display that is associated with the option.
    3. Select one of the displayed synchronization options:
      Do nothing else for the moment
      If you chose the Create a new Component option, the component is created when you click Next. Otherwise, no changes are made. The Summary page is displayed. Click Finish.
      Open Synchronization View to let me choose which items to synchronize
      All possible operations are displayed in the Synchronization View when you click Next. The Summary page is displayed in the wizard. Click Finish. Clear the check boxes for any operations you do not wish to add to your model of the system under test. When you are ready, click the Synchronize button on the Synchronization menu bar.
      The synchronization icons
      A list of current synchronization sources is displayed. Clear the check box in the Enabled column for any sync sources that you want to ignore and click OK. The resources are created.
      Perform the synchronization but don't switch views
      Synchronization begins immediately when you click Next. A model of the system under test is created based on information in the source document. Go to step 5.
    Note: From this point on, if you want to delete the new synchronization source, you must do so in the Logical view.
  5. From the displayed list of operations, select the tests and virtual services (stubs) to create.
    For each test you select, go to step 6.
  6. For each test you requested, provide the following information:
    The Create Test page shows the source for the Input and optional Output messages.
    Note: The number of tests to be created is shown in the Test creation progress bar at the bottom of the window.
    1. Select a source option for the Input message:
      Generate message from Schema
      Use the schema information from the source document to generate the Input message.
      Specify a message
      Create your own message. You can enter the message in the text box that is provided, paste it from your copy/paste buffer, or browse to a file that contains the message. The message can be in XML, JSON, or any other supported message format.
    2. Select Include optional schema fields to complete the message with optional fields from the schema that is provided by the source document.
    3. Select a source option for the Output message.
      The options that are available are the same as the ones for the Input message, with the exception that you can opt to not generate an Output message.
    4. Click Next and repeat this step for each of the generated tests.
    When you have specified sources for all selected tests, a Summary page is displayed with the number of synchronization items, tests and stubs that were created. Starting from HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) Version 10.0.0, the Summary page also displays all information, warning, and error messages that occurred during synchronization.
  7. Click Finish. The Test Factory perspective is displayed.


The specified sync source is now a component in your project.
Note: Using the Logical View, Physical View, and Schema Library view of the Architecture School perspective, you must review any operations, physical resources, and schemas that were added to your project and modify them as required before you can use them to create any tests, stubs, or other resources.