Creating WebSphere® service integration bus (SIBus) transports

The IBM® WebSphere® Application Server service integration bus (SIBus) transport can record, send, and receive WebSphere® Application Server SIBus messages in HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs).

About this task

The WebSphere® Application Server SIBus transport is similar to EMS transports (which is another JMS transport implementation) in the following two aspects:
  • It enables connectionFactory objects to be retrieved through JNDI as administered objects created in WebSphere® Application Server
  • It enables connectionFactory objects to be retrieved by creating a direct connection to the SIBus.

The Logical view and the Physical view of the Architecture School perspective of Test Integrations and APIs are used to create a WebSphere® Application Server SIBus transport.


  1. Create a logical resource for the SIBus transport. In toolbar of the Logical view, click IBM > IBM WebSphere SI BUS.

    The New IBM WebSphere SI Bus connection window is displayed.

  2. Enter a name for the transport and click OK.
  3. Create a physical resource for the SIBus transport. In the toolbar of Physical view, click IBM > IBM WebSphere SI BUS.
  4. Bind these resources in an environment.