JNDI and connection settings

JNDI and connection settings are configured under the Settings tab when you configure a JMS broker. After you complete the settings, you can click Test Transport to verify the settings.

Note: All of the configuration fields allow the use of tags. You can select them from the menu or enter them manually, except for the Password field, where you must enter tags manually (for example, %%JMS_password%%). Because this field is encrypted, characters are masked when you enter them.

JNDI settings

The JNDI settings are described in the following table:

Table 1. JNDI settings
Field Description
Initial Context Factory The Java class that is used to obtain context information to execute naming and directory service functions through JNDI. Default values are provided for the JMS implementations supported by HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs).
Provider URLs URL of the JMS server's JNDI tree, specific to the selected JMS implementation. The required format of the URL is provided when one of the supplied context factory entries is selected.
Specify username and password Click this radio button to use an ID and password for your credentials to connect to JNDI. Provide the information in the Username and Password fields.
Use identity Click this radio button to use an identity store for your credentials. Provide the information in the Identity field.
Username/Password The default user name and password to send when you are connecting to JNDI.
Identity Select a Username/Password type Identity resource that contains your JNDI credentials from the list of available stores. For more information on configuring an Identity, see Adding an identity to the Physical view.
Properties In the table at the bottom of the JNDI Settings, you can enter more JNDI properties (name-value pairs) that are to be set. These properties are specific to the server you are connecting to. For information about any of these settings, see the server documentation.
  • To create a property, click the New icon, then enter the property name, type, and value in the New Message Property dialog.
  • To change a property, highlight it and click the Edit icon.
  • To remove a property, highlight it and click the Delete icon.
Notes: The following properties must not be specified in the Properties table as values are ignored or might cause errors.
  • The property java.naming.factory.initial is set by the Initial Context Factory field
  • The property java.naming.provider.url is set by the Provider URLs field
  • The properties java.naming.security.principal and java.naming.security.credentials are set by the Username/Password/Identity fields.

Connection settings

The connection settings are described in the following table:

Table 2. Connection settings
Field Description
Connection Factory The default JNDI lookup name of a JMS connection factory that exists on the broker. If specified, it indicates the location in a JNDI tree where a Connection Factory object can be found.
Connection authentication same as JNDI Clear this check box to specify separate credentials for connection authentication. Complete the credentials section of the dialog.
Use JNDI to look up destination Enable this option to use the specified JNDI settings to look up destinations.
Note: If you record or stub JMS by using the Java agent in WebSphere Application Server or another application server and the application code uses @Resource or @MessageDriven annotations to reference JMS connection factories and destinations, do not select this option.
Specify username and password Click this radio button to use an ID and password for your connection credentials. Provide the information in the Username and Password fields.
Use identity Click this radio button to use an identity store for your credentials. Provide the information in the Identity field.
Username/Password The user name and password to use when creating a connection.
Identity Select a Username/Password type Identity resource that contains your connection credentials from the list of available stores. For more information on configuring an Identity, see Adding an identity to the Physical view.
Client ID The JMS client identifier that is needed for durable topic subscriptions on all connections that are created by using this connection factory.