Troubleshooting: TIBCO

You can use workarounds to common problems that you might encounter when you are testing TIBCO products in HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs).

Table 1. Troubleshooting TIBCO
Problem Description Solution
No formatter available If the Formatter combination list is blank in a message editor, it is likely that the requisite JAR files were not included on the classpath when Test Integrations and APIs started. The Library Manager must be configured and enabled for the TIBCO AE provider.
Unable to connect to daemon This can occur when either the application is unable to start a suitable local daemon process or if the daemon settings in the transport configuration are invalid/reference an unreachable remote transport. In these cases, check that the directory in which the rvd file is present is on the system PATH environment variable.
Overlapping subjects error

When you are using an RVCM-based transport, there are restrictions to the subjects to which you can subscribe at any point. For example, it is not possible to have two tests that use the same RVCM transport with subscriptions to the subjects 'test.>' and 'test.application'. Which would result in an error as you could potentially have two subscribers to the same subject and Rendezvous would not know how to handle the certified acknowledgements.

Class definitions not visible

Changes that are made to the schema definitions inside of TIBCO Designer are not visible in Test Integrations and APIs until you synchronize the artifacts again. Which is done in the Synchronize view of Architecture School.

AE transport unable to use BusinessWorks 5 projects

BusinessWorks 5 uses TIBCO AE version 5 libraries. You must run Test Integrations and APIs with AE5 JAR files (v4 do not work). These settings can be confirmed in the Library Manager.

Unable to watch EMS queues

Ensure that the transport connects with administration permissions as watching involves accessing system topics instead of the target queues. You also need to clear the Use JNDI to look up destination connection option.

Unable to access topics or queues on remote servers

This error is normally due to the a problem with connection factory configuration. When you make a remote connection to an EMS server, the initial connection to the connection factory returns the location of the queue or topic. If the connection factory is configured incorrectly for a default port number or localhost, it informs Test Integrations and APIs to connect to its local machine or use the wrong port number.

Refer to the TIBCO EMS documentation and check the connection factory settings by using the TIBCO tool tibemsadmin. An example follows where the connection factory has a correct URL (that is, no host name):

tcp://ghc-sun4:7222> show factory QueueConnectionFactory
Factory    = QueueConnectionFactory
JNDI Names    = "QueueConnectionFactory"
URL    = tcp://7222
ClientID    =
Load Balanced    = no
Not permitted error when you are watching

If the admin credentials are edited after an action is performed by using the EMS transport, Test Integrations and APIs will need to be restarted to fully apply the changes.

Unable to tag generated tracking ID

When publishing messages by using the AE transport, the TIBCO APIs adds a tracking ID. Store actions within a publisher are currently unable to process this value.

Failed to rebuild schema If transports are created on the Windows system and used on a Unix-like system, the path separators can prevent the transports schema from being able to refresh.

In this case, the reference to the DAT file needs to be updated within the Unix-like environment.

Unable to start recording the EMS messages with the following error: Failed to Monitor EMS messages with user_name not permitted. To record EMS messages without removing them from the server, Test Integrations and APIs subscribes to the system topics. To access these topics, special permissions are required.

If the EMS transport is not using an administrator user ID, you might not have the necessary permissions.

  • Run the TIBCO program and add the required permissions to the user. For information, see the TIBCO EMS documentation.
  • Retry recording in the Recording Studio.