Fetching specific results data by using the command line

You can fetch specific results data in an XML format from the results database by using the HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) command line.

The syntax to fetch specific results data from the results that are stored in a results database is as follows:

IntegrationTesterCmd <Options> fetch-result <execution_ID>

For example, if the tests or Suites that you ran are in a project, which has the results database configured. The project can be c:\MyProjects\testproject1.ghp. You can find the test execution ID or the scenario execution ID of the specific test or Suite from the Results Gallery tab or the console log in the Test Lab tab. You must then substitute the values in the following commands to get a specific test result data or a Suite result data from the results database:

The sample command to fetch a specific test result data can be as follows:
IntegrationTesterCmd --project c:\MyProjects\testproject1.ghp fetch-result test-execution-data:1234567
Where test-execution-data:1234567 is the test execution ID.
The sample command to fetch a specific Suite result data can be as follows:
IntegrationTesterCmd --project c:\MyProjects\testproject1.ghp fetch-result scenario-execution-data:3456789
Where scenario-execution-data:3456789 is the Suite execution ID.

After you run the command, the fetched results data is displayed in the command line window. You can view the details. If you want to retain a copy of the results fetched, you must copy the contents displayed into a text file and save it as an XML file. You can then use any XML viewer to view the XML contents.