Customizing an ISO 8583 schema

Before you import an ISO 8583 schema into Test Integrations and APIs, you must make two manual changes to the file.

About this task

Test Integrations and APIs can import an XSD file in Data Format Description Language (DFDL) that describes ISO 8583 message structures. By adding a namespace and an attribute to the file, you give Test Integrations and APIs the ability to automatically update the bitmask when it writes the ISO 8583 message.


  1. Using a text or XML editor, open the XSD grammar file for editing.
  2. Add the XML namespace attribute that is shown in bold to the xsd:schema tag:
    <xsd:schema xmlns:ISO8583Format="" 
  3. Add the bitmask attribute that is shown in bold to each bitmap in the file.
    This includes the PrimaryBitmap, SecondaryBitmap, and possible TertiaryBitmap declaration.
    <xsd:element dfdl:lengthKind="implicit" ibmrit:bitmask="true" 
    name="PrimaryBitmap" type="PrimaryBitmapType"/>
  4. Save and close the file.