Working with DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel dashboards

You can filter, search, sort, and choose the number of items to be displayed in HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel) dashboards.

Supported operations

The following table shows the operations that you can perform in Test Virtualization Control Panel dashboards:
Operation Environments dashboard Infrastructure dashboard Network dashboard
Filter image of a tickmark image of a crossmark image of a crossmark
Search image of a tickmark image of a tickmark image of a tickmark
Sort columns image of a tickmark image of a tickmark image of a tickmark
Choose the number of items for display image of a tickmark image of a crossmark image of a crossmark
Link to stubs in the Environments dashboard image of a crossmark image of a tickmark image of a crossmark


You can use the check boxes by selecting any or all the filter options to filter the stub and scenario results displayed in the Environments dashboard. The following filter options are available:

Option Description
Available This option filters the stubs displayed based on their status as Available in Test Virtualization Control Panel. The stubs that are in the Running state are considered as Available.
Unavailable This option filters the stubs displayed based on their status as Unavailable in Test Virtualization Control Panel. The stubs that are in the Broken, Downscaling, Reconfiguring, Repairing, Starting, Upscaling, or Waiting state are considered as Unavailable.
Off This option filters the stubs displayed based on their status as Off in Test Virtualization Control Panel. The stubs that are in the Stopping or Stopped state are considered as Off.


You can sort the items in columns in an ascending or descending order by clicking the column header.

Environment pagination

You can use the pagination option in the Environments dashboard to navigate between pages and change the number of items displayed per page by using the Pagination box at the end of the page. You can change the number of items displayed per page to a different value. You can use the Pagination box to navigate to the First page (image of the first page icon), Previous page (image of the previous page icon), Next page (image of the next page icon), or the Last page (image of the last page icon).

Multioperations display

In the Environments dashboard, the stubs with multioperations have a truncated display under the Operations column. The names of the operations are shown with a suffixed number (+number) indicating the number of operations that exist in addition to the ones displayed. For example, in the following screen, +3 indicates that there are three more operations apart from the one displayed (Multiply) that are associated with the stub. image showing the operations column

When you hover the cursor over the number in the Operations column, it displays the names of the operations in the tooltip. You can also view the names of the operations by expanding the stub card and clicking the Details tab.

Link to stubs in the Environments dashboard

When you are viewing agents in the Infrastructure dashboard and you want to perform operations on the running stub containing the agent, you can open the running stub in the Environments dashboard without navigating to the Environments dashboard and looking up the stub. You must complete the following steps to go to the stub from the Infrastructure dashboard:
  1. Expand the AGENT.
  2. Expand the Engines tab.
  3. Click the engine running the stub.
  4. Click the stub listed in the Stubs field.
The action displays the Environments dashboard with the selected stub in focus.