Starting stubs by using the DevOps Test Integrations and APIs method

HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) can be used to start stubs, but HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel) provides more control over the startup of a stub or a set of stubs.


To start a stub:
  1. In Test Integrations and APIs Test Lab perspective, find the stub that you want to start.
  2. Right-click the stub and click Run on the shortcut menu.

    Alternatively, select the stub and click Run on the Task Monitor windows toolbar.

    Note: If you want to run all stubs for a particular operation, right-click the operations Stubs folder and then click Run All > Stub on the shortcut menu.


Starting a message-based stub causes the following things to happen:

  • The Test Lab perspective Console window displays progress of the stubs startup and messages from the stub as it runs. If the stubs log level has been set to Debug, you will be able to view detailed information about what the stub is doing. (For information about setting a stubs log level, refer to Starting stubs by using the DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel method.)
  • The stub will start listening on queues and ports.
  • If proxies are being used, traffic will be routed to the stub automatically.
Note: For information about restrictions on stubs started by Test Integrations and APIs, refer to Starting stubs.

Starting a database stub causes the following to happen:

  • The data contained in the stub is loaded into the simulation database.
  • The Test Integrations and APIs JDBC proxy is switched to simulate mode, which affects the system under test but not Test Integrations and APIs, and all interactions between the system under test and the live database are directed to the stub. (For information about simulate mode, refer to Creating and modifying database stubs.)
  • The Test Lab perspective Console window displays progress of the stubs startup.
Note: If you are using Test Integrations and APIs 8.0.1 (or later), clicking default case console output or failed validation console output on the Console window opens the Message Differences window, which enables you to debug the stub. (For information about debugging a stub, refer to Debugging Message-Based Stubs. For general information about the Message Differences window, see API Tester Reference.)