Specifying the parameters to schedule a recording to stop automatically

By default, the recording operation is manually stopped. However, you can use the Schedule Recording option to automatically stop the recording based on the limit that is set for received messages and the memory usage.

About this task

To schedule the recording:


  1. In the Events View, click Schedule Recording option from the Recording menu Recording .
  2. In the Recording window, specify the parameters to stop the recording automatically.
    • To stop the recording based on the number of messages that is received and listed in the Event View, select the On message count option and specify the number of messages. The recording stops after the specified number of messages are received.
    • To stop the recording based on the usage of memory by Test Integrations and APIs on the computer in which the recording is taking place, select the On percentage of memory use check box and specify the memory usage limit.
  3. Click OK.