Running triggers

Triggers can be run in several ways: from the Triggers view, Events view, and any view where the trigger was one of the last 10 items to be executed.

  • In the Triggers view, right-click the trigger to run and select Run Trigger from the menu.
  • In the Triggers view, select the trigger and click the Run icon in Test Integrations and APIs main toolbar (or press F5). The Test Lab perspective is displayed and the trigger is executed there.
  • In the Events View, click the Triggers menu icon to run the trigger that was last run.
  • In the Events View, if the trigger was added to the Triggers menu, click the small arrow next to the Triggers menu and select the trigger.
  • In any view, if the trigger is one of the last 10 test items to be executed, click the small arrow next to the Run icon in Test Integrations and APIs main toolbar and select the trigger. The Test Lab perspective is displayed and the trigger is executed there.