Applying the SWIFT schema to a message

When you are testing any transport or technology that use SWIFT messages you can apply the SWIFT schema and other formatting options to messages in your tests. You can also apply the SWIFT schema and formats to any SWIFT supported text messages that are used in your tests.

Before you begin

You must have opened a project in HCL OneTest API and ensured that the Test Factory perspective is displayed.


  1. Right-click a project or operation, and then click New > Messages > Message.

    A blank message is displayed.

  2. Set the Formatter field to Text.
    The Formatter field is set to Text
  3. Right-click text (String) in the Message field, and then click Schema.

    The Schema Selector dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click the Schema Type field in the Schema Selector dialog box, and then select Business & Finance > SWIFT.

    The SWFT schemas that you can apply to the message are displayed.

  5. Select a SWIFT schema from the list in any of the following methods:
    • Select the SWIFT schema that you want to apply.
    • Select a SWIFT schema by a number rather than a name by performing the following steps:
      1. Select one of the displayed roots.
      2. Press Ctrl+F.

        A search field is displayed.

      3. Type the number or other identifiers for the root.

        For example, you can enter 103 or 103STP to find entries that have the matching number or text in them. The identifiers you enter need not be complete. From the matching entries, you can use the arrow icons to scroll up or down the list to find the item you are looking for in the list.

  6. Expand the Formatter Properties section and perform the action listed in the following table:
    Option Description Action
    Include newline at the end of message

    The Include newline at the end of message check box can be either selected or cleared based on the default action set in Project > Preferences > Swift.

    When you send a Swift message, some systems expect the formatting of the last block to include or omit a trailing new line. By using the Include newline at the end of message check box you can control the appending behavior of the newline character in the schema message.

    When this check box is selected, a newline character is appended in the SWIFT message.

    When this check box is not selected, a newline character is not appended in the SWIFT message.

    Retain the selection or clear the selection.

  7. Expand the Content Options section and select your action from the following options.

    You can use the SWIFT options for the content in the messages that are used in the tests. The content depends on the SWIFT schema that you select for the messages.

    Note: The check box for the options to Retain existing content, Include Text nodes, or Include optional nodes can be either selected or cleared based on the default action set in Project > Preferences > Message.




    Retain existing content

    When this option is selected, you can apply a schema or expand a field without losing the original data in the messages.

    When this option is not selected, existing data is cleared before the new schema is applied.

    In cases where the data is assumed to be retained, this option is not displayed.

    Retain the selection or clear the selection.

    Include Text nodes

    When this option is selected, you can generate Text nodes with the message.

    When this option is not selected, the text nodes do not appear.

    Retain the selection or clear the selection.

    Include optional nodes

    When this option is selected, you can select and add the optional fields that the schema includes in the message.

    When this option is not selected, you cannot add any optional fields.

    Retain the selection or clear the selection.

  8. Click OK to save your settings and close the Schema Selector dialog box.

    The completed message is displayed.


You have applied the SWIFT schema to a text message.