FIX transport - Recording details

When you configure the FIX transport, you must provide the information about the recording mode. You can do so by using the Recording page of the FIX Connection window.

About this task

The following configuration options are available on the Recording page.

Table 1. Fields for the Recording page
Field Description
Recording mode The following options are available:
Packet Capture
Requires packet capture software.
  • On Windows systems, Network Packet Capture is included in the installation program of HCL OneTest API.
  • On non-Windows systems, libpcap is typically installed by default. If necessary, you can download the latest package from

For more information about packet capture, refer to Limitations of packet capture in Related reference.

External Proxy Server
The proxies in HCL Quality Server are used by HCL OneTest API and HCL OneTest Virtualization to record all HTTP(S) traffic that is routed through the proxy. For more information, refer to HTTP/TCP proxy setup in Related concepts.
Envoy Proxy (Experimental)
The proxies in HCL Quality Server are used by HCL OneTest API and HCL OneTest Virtualization to record all HTTP(S) traffic that is routed through the Envoy Proxy (Experimental). You must provide the config id that you configured in the admin_config of the Envoy Proxy.
Istio Proxy
The proxies in HCL Quality Server are used by HCL OneTest API and HCL OneTest Virtualization to record all HTTP(S) traffic that is routed through the Istio Proxy.
In the Kubernetes namespace field, you must provide the name of the namespace of the service to record in the Kubernetes cluster. If you did not configure any namespace, then the default namespace is default.