MEP settings for Software AG Universal Messaging Broker transport

You can configure the Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) for the Software AG Universal Messaging Broker transport. When creating a test by using MEP, the test contains a publish action with or without a request or reply action as required. You can specify the default options for publish actions with or without subscribe, reply, or request actions in the Message Exchange Pattern tab.

Before you begin

You must have defined an operation.
Note: You can create an operation from the Architecture School Logical View by selecting General > Service Component. For more information about creating an operation, see the link in the related information section.

About this task

By using the Message Exchange Pattern tab, you can specify the MEP settings. You can use combinations of consumer settings or producer settings for all the messages exchanges.


  1. Open the Operation configuration panel, and then the Message Exchange Pattern tab
  2. Choose the pattern. You can configure the Producer Settings for Request/Reply, Publish/Subscribe or Publish Message Exchange pattern. Request/reply and Subscribe patterns require Producer Settings.Operation config
  3. Configure the Transport field with Software AG Universal Messaging connection.
  4. In the Schema panel, select the schema or format that you want to apply.
  5. In the Binding panel, you can override the Producer Settings and Consumer Settings that were defined in the transport under Producer Settings and Consumer Settings:
    1. Enter the target name to be used for the publication in the Target Name field and select the target type.
      This target corresponds to the Channel, Queue or Data Group that is used to receive the request or the publish event.
    2. In the Producer Settings, check the following options:
      Table 1. Producer Settings
      Option Description
      Generate subject Allow creating a publisher name automatically to be used for the publish action, based on the client machine configuration.
      Compress If you selected this option, the message published on to the Channel or Queue is compressed by using the packet size.
      Packet size If you selected the compress option, enter the maximum packet size.
      Consumer starts before This option enables the broker to create a consumer before the producer can start sending the messages.
  6. You can update the Reply Correlation Settings that were defined in the transport under the Consumer Settings.

    This option applies to Channels and Queues. Enter filters for the incoming messages according to message header properties.

    Correlation Id

    Under the Reply Correlation Settings, you can add conditions to the messages sent. Only messages that are matching these conditions are retrieved. Enter the ID for the message in the Correlation Id field in the Reply Correlation Settings section.

    Message Id

    Enter the ID for the message in the Correlation Id field in the Message Id section.